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Everything posted by badger

  1. badger


    Give me one million dollars
  2. Yeah 1-15 is about right, idk about the rest lol, kinda hard to decide.
  3. Freelancers should be alot higher. They were the first clan to pull 100 to a war.
  4. Finally, but people will tell others which sig is theirs.
  5. good fight lol, I lasted to the end of our war then rushed into your main pile XD We all thought you had 65, guess not -.-
  6. You've gotten 800 posts, holy ****. OT: no one cares about either
  7. An arp victory was near dont let them win
  8. I really don't think you beat cr, after hearing your storyand cr's theirs makes more sense.
  9. m4n, most are distastefull but his rendering and burshing is really good
  10. Glad to see another clan enterning the med level scene. Good luck ff :)
  11. DEFENCE clap clap DEFENSE Dp aren't to smart, you're supposed to pile guys in armor last.
  12. Personally, I don't like your style, and your immaturity in your posts is rediculous, to the point where I doubt you are old enough to even use the board legally. Last week, you're signature was very bland, yet it still got alot of votes. I would sat the same this week and agree with AleXx's opinion. A flame bait? No. Also, Alex wasn't ranting. Good luck in the competition.
  13. badger


  14. The stupidity of the world continues to amaze me.
  15. Back from a short graphics Hiatus. Hope you liek.
  16. badger


    Prepare yourselves.
  17. Why are you being such a sarcastic, arrogant ******* when all he wants to do is help the community? I think it's good that you're doing this, but there are several bots of this already, so yours will have to be really good :P
  18. Glad to see you guys are back with 40+ pulls :wub:
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