hello friends my name is badger and I am badger.
i have been here since 2006. some of you may be older
some of you may be newer
generally, I consider myself to be wise about the workings of our fun little community in the least conceited way possible, however i am a very conceited person since this is the internet and I can act how I want.
this is just some stuff that I think you all should know and I wouldn't be surprised if the older, more mature, or intelligent members of the community would agree with me. i've matured as this community grew, and I watched you all shrivel up like benjamin buttons nuts.
you all whine/complain about problems, but nothing is being done. i think the only solution to helping out community is by following some simple steps, to help you all out:
1. try NOT to use spies as much. the reason none of you have fun at trips is because now every saturday is a 2 hour **** fest of crashing and hitting each other on login. believe it or not, it wasn't always like this. I know its alot to ask you guys, but try using SCOUTS instead of spies/leaks. it makes your fights more fun, it makes them mean more, and you might even actually have a clan PKing trip instead of saturday trips with the intensity of a rather large lungful of nitrous oxide.
2. mods, DISALLOW clans associated with hacking and or ddosing. i know it's biased, but so was banning MM. i know your sick of hearing it, but you guys do have the ability to steer this community towards a positive slope. if there is definitive proof of hacking or ddosing, remove that person, and if the clan they represent doesn't remove them, remove that ******* clan. it takes a willingness to improve to start the improvement, you guys are too content saying everyone does it. just because everyone does it doesn't mean it's okay(unless it's drugs)
3. stop bitching about adamant unless youre gonna stop using adamant. the only clan allowed the whine about adamant is MM but MM isn't even real pures because they use mith. if you want to stop seeing addy and having 50 minute return fights, however, than stop using it yourself ******* morons.
4. stop botting and paying people to do **** for you. part of the fun of old pure clans was having an account to be PROUD of, a cash pile to be PROUD of, and a clan to be PROUD of. anyone can pay a chinese dude 50 bucks to get him a firecape and 80 dungeoneering, but if you do that **** yourself you increase the value of your account to yourself. an MMORPG is about the ******* fun you get out of achieving cool **** on your own, not paying people to do it for you so you can be instantly good. Those 2 hit ko's would be alot more satisfying if you didn't pay some ******** to get you your chaotic maul.
i know you all won't listen. I accept that. i'm pretty sure there's nothing anyone can do to stop the downward spiral of this community in general. you guys have lost the ability to have ethics, the ability to have fun, and the ability to stop being hypocrites. and your downward spiral will continue until you realize that flaming each other all week long, setting up botnets to take down each others TS's, and having the same retarded saturday trip every week just isn't fun.
those of you who are actually having fun right now I tip my hat to you, because you managed to find a gold chain in a pile of dogshit.
i'd apreciate it if my post wasn't just deleted like all my others, and I will save this post and REPOST it unless I get a reason for it's closure, and an explanation as to what I can change to make it acceptable. I think it's iportant that the community knows that there are actually things they can do to help themselves out.