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Everything posted by badger

  1. 06 *** here, term is low (leveled) pure clan. gj on win.
  2. Steve your embarrasing yourself everytime you post. You're* Embarrassing* Every time* Do me a favor, slap your English teacher for me. Might want to prep TLP before Milky becomes a bad caller: http://i.imgur.com/00Gcd.png :( Lol or not: http://pastebin.com/uHAuV6nB >make same grammar error as someone. >point it out when they make it. internet cool point just dropped about 48%.
  3. foeop vs mmhfxlnme just happened foeop won :kanye:
  4. Clan Name:: badger country Ranks and Rank names: Supreme Overlord Badger Leaders Old Pker Drunkin R2H Speshls Requirements: 95 stat and a hate for p2p pking Rules: none Your clan cape colour yellow because theres never been a decent clan with yellow in my eyes Other details: #1 f2p
  5. i'll stand close to the idea that this community can't handle a competition in which they can vote for themselves. good luck to those that enter though
  6. we were getting sniped by hf all trip then mm stopped hiding and mm is basically free kd. nice reading skills
  7. clearing hf was so funny, they run around like headless chickens
  8. 1. FOE- No one seems to remember their original F2P domination of this era, but I do. They've been top of p2p for god knows how long. They'll be #1 forever unless a clan takes #1 P2P and F2P consistently for like 2 years. 2. MM- some people don't like em but they're a damn good clan, have been top contenders in this whole era. 3. EOP- In the last 3 years they've had ups and downs but almost consistently reign in the top of all clans. 4. TLP- While they may not have had #1 in either server for more than a couple weeks, they're still consistently good and haven't ever fallen too far. 5. Epidemic- Their short time alive puts them down here, although they were no doubt an awesome clan in their time. 6. FI- Maybe not the best right now, but they used to be the most dominant f2p force there was. I remember in 2007 when I'd be afraid to go anywhere near GDZ for the simple reason of FI possibly being there. 7.. CP- Like TLP, they've been consistently there. Harder for them in recent times, but I'm sure they'll bounce back. It get's harder to rank other clans because they've all had similar periods of ups and downs, but I think this is the best list.
  9. It allows you to do more damage by taking less damage (eating less thus giving you more time to attack). That's a fairly large offensive bonus within itself if you ask me. Well.. with that logic, why not just use rune then, seenig as "It allows you to do more damage by taking less damage (eating less thus giving you more time to attack). That's a fairly large offensive bonus within itself if you ask me." Barrows allows you to do more damage by taking less damage (eating less thus giving you more time to attack). That's a fairly large offensive bonus within itself if you ask me.
  10. so that i don't get flamed if i fight "pure" clans that accept anything over 1 def. 1 defence 1 prayer. if you're not 1 def 1 prayer then get the **** out because nothing else is pure
  11. "pure" clan with the lowest combat level of 88. :(
  12. FL vs AAO. I don't even remember anything about it.
  13. i swear to god if I see "expected" on one more topic.. gj tr.
  14. NME, you're right in the center of our combat range and you'll actually be in a community of 1-10 defence pures
  15. idk, the last two clans to **** of eop were cp and fi and well :teehee:
  16. look at that inventory. clearly mm has some unmatched p2p skill
  17. Baby you're all that I want when I'm lying hear in your arms
  18. [E]Tags, no support from badger gj i guess
  19. our fellow community members from the mayhem makers truly made this event shine
  20. i'm in both vids cause i'm just that good
  21. So much content, so little time. I do like how though at the end you made the mistake of putting LPC. If you consider 70-90 LPC then you're sorely mistaken. Please refer to Milk's signature as to the accurate description that presently applies to NME :). BTW if you think something was a fluke you can bring up a RM tonight :). if I was a tool, i'd have a retarded image macro of the biggest ******* facepalm you've ever seen
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