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Everything posted by badger

  1. http://eop-rs.com/index.php?/topic/18179-f...-leader-forums/ R.I.P I'm gunna remember this post when FiSlumpV3 begins for the year. This is just the kind of **** EOP needs to throw every 2 weeks to keep the momentum going. Shows how weak their memberbase is and how close they are to closing down as soon as **** starts hitting the fan. Just watch m8. Must be embarassing to see a clan with a "weak memberbase" stomp your clan into the ground over the past 2 years. And @Flash cutter, i think you'll find its Fi that are the biggest joke in the pure community, no-one has any respect for you because frankly any rivalry you enter you come out of looking like the bitches of the two, i think we have some gfx that sums it up nicely; If our memberbase was weak we woudn't be pulling 40+ to every single event we have. Solo you're an adult why do you lack basic maturity? You prop your clans morale up with propaganda and hackings. Its pathetic. If this was 2006 or earlier you would have been laughed out of the community much sooner. You and some of your ranks are one of the main reasons why people post 'pure community is dead'. Also your clan is a joke to most people, you lower the standards of the pure community look even Foe ranks hate that they ally with you L. interestingly, the only people complaining about eop are the ones who talked **** to eop, and got retaliated against. the trend seems to be, fi has a clan close in to them, they step up for a week, run their huge mouth to eop, and eop once agains pushes them back in to the murky depths of 25 pulls and the inability to win matched preps. of course, this is only an observation, but it seems to be a pretty funny trend that's been going on for quite some time. ps if foe hated teaming with eop, they wouldn't team with eop.
  2. sniping eop and flaming mm uhh good luck
  3. we won all the fights today that is all
  4. bitches and money talk **** get hit etc let us do battle to decide who ultimate victory clan is
  5. using the word propaganda, it's ******* annoying. this is not a country vs country warzone, this is a damn video game. using the word propaganda is completely wrong lol
  6. first time i've laughed at these forums congratulations
  7. yeah that 1 is pretty underground
  8. badger


    who are you who am i A R P
  9. i miss you :3

  10. badger


    will the real badger please stand up
  11. eop wins the poll eop wins the fullout i call them all
  12. it's sad to see the only decent fi rank that was left still muddling around in the pool of inexperienced fatality ranks. i figured you would have moved on by now. OT FI can literally turn this war into the biggest advantage for themselves, the question is, will they?
  13. very good trip, mm fight was so much longer than necessary, but still fun
  14. woah look its hatton i like hatton i thought you were dead hatton
  15. that's depressing It's not allowed, but FOE doesn't care and told me to just not worry about it. They just want to war. Props to them for not making a big deal out of it. it's depressing that things have gotten like this lol. why can't they just war without some desperate measures
  16. foes gonna win the poll foes gonna win the fullout
  17. i love them, awesome ******* idea. i don't see them changing anything though.
  18. Yeah it upgrades in 7 days which seems pointless -.-' you can change the upgrade time by talking to quartermaster :Slim:
  19. another voting upset. i think the general opinion is 100% wrong on pure wars
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