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N h

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Everything posted by N h

  1. bro hes your ******* friend you recruited him to db you move him down in ts noone will see him around anymore. talking about blackmail
  2. "Chaotic til death because I care so much about RS!@!!@#" well tyler if you really being sarcastic about this why did you cut an internet girls name into your arm in real life? =\
  3. bruh i lost at least 5+ returns to those faggots
  4. dam son can someone tell me what strlove risked today? :D
  5. thanks for letting our few loot hungry members tag along i remember control spamming nice team when we had 5 db no need to lie.Never the less thanks for the fight control+chaotic its not our fault you guys ran out of gx returns and were on your way up when we were already left with pictures and spams =\ thanks for the fights everyone.
  6. nice control looks like you got alot of loot
  7. i mean im tired of the wholke why wont you do it in wildy from control or wildy or gtfo but we just p2p minid control today and im wondering why they dont say no p2p mini in wildy we want loot when p2p is more loot to be obtained um basically clanwars is the way to break down crashing and lieing about ops and i see no reason clanwars can still be used for fullouts
  8. looks like a good trip i mean sad you didnt give us any pkri =[.
  9. son looks like eop got bags full of pink capes today
  10. WHO CARES FOR A ******* 50k LOOT HOLY **** like i have no problem with control but no clan wants to do the wildnerness what wrong with clanwars drop item serioussly
  11. 46* in total, but I'd rather have sex in the gaymens grotto then lose my **** out in the wilderness full of STDs :( Kyle has higher standards than contracting AIDS. The wildy is where the real men play- Quote from jagex yeah cause being in the wildy determines a real man over the internet right
  12. greatjob tp and thanks for the prep but why did you quote this it was 2-1 how do you conclude this? "After embarrassing ourselves at the prep vs DB,"
  13. prep 2moro goin down in the grott +2/-2 be there bro let you see how we do it
  14. uh ill be straight up after the fact dramatic ur members came at us asking us for pkris saying man the **** up etc when we had fights set up then when we asked for fights u ingored etc we heard tr wasnt having an action packed trip so we let tr get there loots at that time we didnt care what yall think =\
  15. i can tell sean your gettin to mad over 1 clan beating you =\
  16. Guess ya can say Carnage made IR from sharks into victims! xP! Bro, i love how you think your so clever with all your spies, but you need to learn to apply them to having succesful trips lol, which unfortunatly you didn't considering the most you ever killed in one trip was like 2 clans You think we cared about killing lots of clans for topics? Our recruits were ******* enjoying those trips because they were getting loots up the ass. It was to the point were we had mostly magers come to the trips. See, maybe if you learned how to make your recruits stay in your clan, you would still be alive today. Sitting 2 hrs in clan wars teaching them how to hug a tree? Make me laugh more please l0l l0l
  17. U guys forgot us? ;) We had a little fight too,cant remember it? :whistling: Losing is not a big deal,you can't win if u haven't lose. I hope u will edit your topic :thumbsup: Sir, I'll let you finish but why would we post our fight vs you if we lost? I don't recall of anyone posting their fight if they've lost. We fought you out optd by ATLEAST 15. We rushed with 19 or 20, you had 34. Not to mention, we literally had about 15 kids who could actually attack any of you, I've never even heard of you guys until yesterday so i honestly didn't know what to expect. No more fighting at sperm hill with you guys, but hey-You won fair and square congratulations. they put us on there topic of losing?
  18. dam bro 10-75 postcount on 1 topic phew bro new guiness world record bro
  19. bro no flame but thats a vid of a clan whom closed =\ all clans have good pk trips ir df hy were all mixed of same members check there hystory's out
  20. dont worry df make sure in the future we get GOOD PICS/GOOD VIDS AND CLEAN FIGHTS
  21. You know what else DF and IR had in common? :rolleyes: hows pulling in the 10's working out for ya haters gonna hate do yo thang loki
  22. Defiance Ending: 18 [Orbed @ sperm hill where we got a regroup and just left cause of crash after crash] Divine Brutality Ending: Maybe 3-4 Idk its not about how many u "regrouped" bro its how many you pulled away from the fight with gl next weekend thanks for the fight
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