Today, Elimination set out with a medicore pull of 17 pumped up members. However, That did not stop us from having an amazing day, having fights with Divine Brutality, Contamination, and Exiled Force. Thanks to all members who stayed for the entire 3 hour trip, and Thanks to all clans for the fights!
Elimination Vs. Divine Brutality
This fight was NOT planned, as We were dd'd on a hill waiting for Contamination to rush us. As Duval said "Gl were hitting", DB rushed from behind. We faught Db for a good 5 minutes before they eventually cleared us. Good fight DB!:
Elimination Starting: - 16
Divine Brutality Starting: - 17 (Confirmed)
Elimination Ending: - 0
Divine Brutality Ending: - 12?
Db, you guys did amazing this fight. Ask us next time, dont just headbut us when were waiting for Co :/
After about 5 minutes of remassing, we headed back out with 16 members. Once again, we asked Contamination for a pkri, so we set the fight up at the Hill giant hut, with Co defending. Just as our fight was getting interesting, EF rushed in, and Turned it into a 3 way cluster ****. As the opts diminished, Negative came flying in and sent us all back to lumby. Lawl.
Elimination Starting: - 16
Contamination Starting: - 16-20 (Dont know tbh, pls confirm)
Negative Starting: - 25+? You had alot.
Exiled Force Starting: - 12-13
Elimination Ending: - 3
Contamination Ending: - 5? (Dont know tbh, pls confirm)
Negative Ending: - Over 9000
Exiled Force Ending: - 0
Again, We remassed, this time abit sore at EF for ruining our fight with Co. Word got out that Co and EF were having a Fight at the Hut, so we hopped and flew in. However, as soon as EF saw our spams, they ran up to sperm hill to get a regroup. We wanted revenge. We ran out of the hut, and chased down EF, quickly clearing them on the tip of sperm hill. Thanks for the fight.:
Elimination Starting: - 16
Contamination Starting: - 18
Exiled Force Starting: - 13
Elimination Ending: - 11
Contamination Ending: - 7?
Exiled Force Ending: - 0
Seeing as DB+CO ended, we decided to Fight EF for the rest of the day. [EF]Trent gladly accepted a fight at the northern hill, where a great fight ensued. Great tanking was a key factor, and we were able to clear EF without many casulties.
Elimination Starting: - 13
Exiled Force Starting: - 13
Elimination Ending: - 11
Exiled Force Ending: - 0
After banking our precious loots, We were asked if we wanted a run in at the hill giant Hut. We found them dd'd in an awkward spot, and ran straight into them with scims. EF Spread out, thus letting us find easy piles. Good fight EF.
Elimination Starting: - 13
Exiled Force Starting: - 13
Elimination Ending: - 7
Exiled Force Ending: - 0
Again, we banked our lewtations, and were about to dissmiss for the day. However, Many members did not want to end, so i asked EF for ANOTHER fight. They accepted again, and let us defend the Northern Hill. As EF came running in, we sniped and pushed them from hill to hill. Seeing as we cleared EF x4 today, we decided to end.
Elimination Starting: - 13
Exiled Force Starting: - 13
Elimination Ending: - 9
Exiled Force Ending: - 0
Was an AMAZING trip for Elimination, Thanks for reading this beastly topic, and thank you to ALL clans we warred! Great respect to EF for giving us 3 fights.