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Everything posted by Bravey

  1. #Tlp , #Ctrl , #EoP , #Zenith , #Outrage
  2. Yeah bv would be better choose then cp , like i said no **** clans Peter
  3. adam get in IRC i need to ask something
  4. Yeah im looking into outrage right now , if i join , the guy that said he mini 24\7 without audio in outrage will be why i join outrage , so im not only 1 without it L. :D and yeah i will get the audio after my summer business :)
  5. also if i leave in a week why is there only 5 past clans from 4 years claning?
  6. Hi Mitch why u always mad , i leave in a week? would u leave a clan if they take ur ip from forums and spread it to everyone , all what i can see you're mentaly braindead or just ******* retarded. plus i will have audio when ever i get my new laptop. idiot
  7. oh and Outrage is in my mind too. cuz of love of jorma ;P
  8. None Atm :P cuz i dont know if i wanna go to tlp [Most of my friends in there] or EoP [alot of friends in there]
  9. No. P0ke is my friend from long time. and if i join ct i join it after my vacation ;P
  10. If you guys really want to know if outrage masses go into their forums , and check every single persons applications that is on ML. Btw dont care about ch they should join team #forehead Looking good Keep it up Outrage! Gj.
  11. Sounds Good ;) Ill think about it.
  12. Closed. C L O S E D ------ I A M ------- J O I N I N G -------- Z E N I T H C L O S E D ----- I A M ----- J O I N I N G ----- Z E N I T H C L O S E D ----- I A M ----- J O I N I N G ------- Z E N I T H C L O S E D ---------- I A M ------------- J O I N I N G -------------- Z E N I T H
  13. Looks like you guys had a nice Trip , Good fight corrupt Baby pures. Gj ct.
  14. rofl, ******* dumb tho , nice life what? why dont u go print some "i am fatality" t shirts? SO ******* DUMB
  15. "Big Boys" yet you guys are scared shitless of TLP, that made me lol. 3 months vs 5 years. 40 vs 60.. Oh the stupidity amazes me. You shouldn't be lookin for confidence boosters from Havoc rofl, keep focusing on EOP and FI and we'll see you soon enough. You guys claim to be soo big yet all you could say when you hear TLP is 3 months Vs 5 years..... Havoc talks madd ish to TLP but won't fight them. Beat them in MATCHED[/b] and sure, you can have #1 P2P All this is about is #1 p2p med, not hpc, we've never claimed to be so big, we're simply asking Outrage to fight us if they're going to claim #1 p2p med. TLP always has to get involved rofl. Where in the topic do we claim to be #1 med. Your illiteracy is taking this thread to far. Please, read the title. "Coming for #1". We did not say anything about havoc or w/e clan your in. We have the right to run for #1 am i correct? It is a game, we can say we are #1 for all we care. Now get lost and L2read forreal, taking small sht way to far. Illiteracy? Im simply stating if you're gonna "run" for #1 p2p med like you've been doing for the past 3 weeks you're gonna have to fight Havoc eventually. We ask you week in and week out and all we want is a run in. The only person taking stuff to far is you because of the fact your getting defensive over your mediocre Sunday. O , H -> FULL OUT. instead of speaking **** on PW jesus.
  16. oh. outrage going hard , i dont hate u guys ^^ just don't like the history.. like "from rsps" it sounds harsh ,but let it sound! you guys seem ownage ;) =//<--- no flame intended. Gj outrage!
  17. Stfu? idiot your in cp , it isnt ur business to flame control. gj tribulation
  18. u guys need to l2 hop to homeworld when none of Other clan's members left , so you can claim some wins ;) But like i said gj on foughting cp and winning them yet 2x.
  19. we foughted kid lmfao Lol bv you "foughted" CP and cleared them Good fight CP you got owned L-0-L. Gj bv!
  20. i Lol'd ------------------------- Less talk more PKRI ;) gj ef.
  21. who ddossed what ddossed. idc... im audioless L. oh and gj, i hoped ct wins the p2p -.- vids says wat it says :S
  23. We owned. we lost the round i wasnt in =D
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