I'm sure that's the reason why you have 2 kills l0l!
I give you positive feedback on your clans thread and of course it results in you being a spastic.
I could care less about your feelings this is R00nscape.
Thank you iSlow_Burnz I for reminding me, I thought this was World of Warcraft for a second.
I could care less about your clans trip l0l, I just wanted to see which retarded zenith member reacted to my post first and of course it was you.
i bet you feel upset for leaving us now :( just shows how 2 clans u were ranked in both slumped ;P! GJ on your 2 kills hope your trip went perfect and all
I'm actually happy I left your clan. It was a waste of my weekend. Here's the difference... Intense Redmeption made you slump through completely destroying you and bullying you every weekend after the fullout for 2 months. You act like your clan came close to slumping IR...? Your clan has no impact on us, you're no problem. We'll be back to bullying you every weekend soon enough, and when we do you'll be begging us to stop just like last time. :thumbsup:
Here's the thing. We still had a core community before we didn't pull as much, we had a core community through our "slump" and we have that core community now. It's not always about winning and losing. IR failed the realize that... and here they are in the position that they are in. When it comes down to it stability is about the community. That's what makes us able to bounce back. What clan were you in a couple months ago? Not IR. Stop living in the past, it's not going to get you anywhere making excuses.
You act like we don't have a core community :whistling:. Everything stated in your reply, vice versa for IR. I just dislike how some of your members, oh and ranks, think they slumped us. Curious as to if they even know what happenened. Thanks for being mature about it otherwise.