It's cocky. They're all try-hards with no REAL experience, apart from IVP of course. The rest of them fall into the category of purewarfare critics, who have spent the last year moaning about the pure world.
All the staff members of my clan have experience in the most successful F2P clans of this modern Pvp era, being ranked in clans such as E, DP, EOP, et cetera. As a staff team, experience is something that we DO have over other clans seeing as we've got the obvious disadvantage of levels. Not to mention our memberbase consists of people who have become well known through there association with the history of f2p pure clans, and as a whole consists of people who know what they're doing.
Haha, I have no clue if you were around when the majority of us were actively playing in the top level pure clanning world a year or two ago, but I have more realization of what the clans Enemy will be competing against are like more than anyone in this community. I can only imagine your subtly referencing IR when you say your going to be the ones to make us victims, but history speaks volumes in relation to this matter and our community.
Thanks for the advice, forgive me if I don't take it on board though. We'll see what happens Im sure, but I know for a fact that people moaning that we're "too cocky" or "flame too much" isn't going to stunt our continued growth in any fashion.
Incase you havn't noticed, IR has changed since you guys were around. And it was Bob, not anyone else who gave you the edge. You were a little advanced over most other med clans in terms of your calling. However, you rose to the top when bandwaggoners started joining your clan, just like IR did, just like TLP did, just like EOP did and just like CP did. But you guys knew it wouldn't last, and decided to close knowing that you'd be remembered as being the clan to compete with MM. Well, reality check, your a bunch of level 50s and IR is a high level clan. If you want to start making enemys of us, go ahead it only shows your not as smart as you quite clearly think you are.
I'd like to point out that a friend of mine in IR told me the average cmb level was roughly 90, and i can only assume NME's is around 60 at the minute, so its pretty damn easy to avoid you when you think about it.....