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Baby sko

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Everything posted by Baby sko

  1. We didn't claim an "autowin", "We didnt really take this seriously bro" oh yea, that's why in the last round you let like all your Members sit to let the "good" brids to work lol, good you closed, was expected, lasted longer then I personally expected though. Your stupidity is clear evidence that you are a foreigner. We didnt take it seriously because it was all tagging and pjing. I've killed you numerous times at wests but okay you are obviously "1" hop off tough guy, learn some english. Flame me again and you will be on a one way trip back to Africa Tarzan.
  2. We didnt really take this seriously bro. So we let friends come aswell. You can claim the "autowin" we all know which team is better in singles.
  3. Why do you keep flaming bro? And thanks guys team ravage is going hard expect many videos.
  4. I smell MADNESS! :) if u can't stand us winning most of the mini's vs ur well doing team, then dont go on pure warfare to say nick can't spell.. but PREP us! Mmmm good question tough guy. Why don't you ask your leader why he declines everytime I ask for a prep and you should also tell him to stop coming to our pk trips lul. And the mini scoreboard is 3-3 bruh. Your stupidity amazes me we have posted over 3 videos of us beating you so you cant say it is tied. Also world 23 is the world i always pk at. Just because your team is on that world doesnt mean im on a pk trip with you. You mindless spastic, i wasnt referring to you when i said leader, matter fact i wasnt referring to you during the whole post. I did not know you were even ranked. I was referring to nickdasnake who came to our official weekend trip. We obviously dropped him. And lol how you call me stupid when im far more intelligent then you and the idiot who spelt advertisement incorrect. I was feeling sorry for you lately when i saw you at wests because we always raped you, i even promised yawnz i would stop but your just asking for a free ass spanking. Good day and see you and your brother at wests'. It took me 3 minutes to understand what you were trying to say. No wonder you are in a no namer university.
  5. I smell MADNESS! :) if u can't stand us winning most of the mini's vs ur well doing team, then dont go on pure warfare to say nick can't spell.. but PREP us! Mmmm good question tough guy. Why don't you ask your leader why he declines everytime I ask for a prep and you should also tell him to stop coming to our pk trips lul. And the mini scoreboard is 3-3 bruh. Your stupidity amazes me we have posted over 3 videos of us beating you so you cant say it is tied. Also world 23 is the world i always pk at. Just because your team is on that world doesnt mean im on a pk trip with you.
  6. I thought i made that pretty obvious by saying we are a med lvl clan.
  7. Last time wed had a run in with you, none of you listened to the rules. + you brought members not on your ml.
  8. Last time wed had a run in with you, none of you listened to the rules. + you brought members not on your ml.
  9. Hi Team Ravage is an extremely active and fun team. We have a great community and we would love for you to join us. Even if you dont meet the reqs you can participate in many fun events. Come join us at #team-ravage!
  10. Hi Team Ravage is an extremely active and fun team. We have a great community and we would love for you to join us. Even if you dont meet the reqs you can participate in many fun events. Come join us at #team-ravage!
  11. Hi Team Ravage is an extremely active and fun team. We have a great community and we would love for you to join us. Even if you dont meet the reqs you can participate in many fun events. Come join us at #team-ravage!
  12. Hi Team Ravage is an extremely active and fun team. We have a great community and we would love for you to join us. Even if you dont meet the reqs you can participate in many fun events. Come join us at #team-ravage!
  13. Team Ravage is looking for a singles run in in the wild. Rules: - no tabs - no pjing ( if you kill someone just wait until someone on the opposing team gets a kill then attack him, dont ruin his fight) - overheads are allowed - matched opts If any team/clan wants to try us come and talk to us in #team-ravage
  14. Accepted they brought 2 extra and started tagging us. Also they brought people who were not on their ml
  15. Thanks we are still waiting to mini you guys btw
  16. Why do I have the feeling that english is not a language that you speak anywhere but on runescape?
  17. Obv because I wasn't on. You guys had an elite mini unit consisting of 3 ranks, nevertheless you guys were the better team on the day.
  18. They beat us today, we got to do a last one.
  19. Haha lmfao, made me lol. You guys have a very diverse team :) Good mini, we need to do 1 more as the final ;) I was wondering what the hail jesus meant lolol
  20. you're a ******* idiot; spastic 12 year old go back to battlescape o wait you already made a return thread on it. This.
  21. Bro they tend to do that, they always claim fake wins.
  22. Only one of yor three videos work, good job though you guys re doing well in f2p but still havent seen a vid of you winning a p2p mini. Don't flame me because I said that just show me a vid. ;)
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