Why do you and all your members say we lost twice etc.. we are a 3 week old clan, your clan is old with alot of experience.. ;D
First of all, they are saying you lost twice because you said you lost once when in reality you lost twice. Secondly being a 3 week old clan means nothing especially when you have callers from Outrage which isn't a new clan. We didn't have many ranks on today so I think the playing field was even.
I don't see why you are complaining on my topic, you won two fights against us, that's what the topic says.
I can just recommend you to read the whole topic before you post at all, thanks.
Unlike other Clans we don't have to hide a loss lol
You are implying that because you switched TS's your performance was better? We beat you down one with your "****** ts" and beat you matched with your "good ts". You also didn't mention that you lost during your first two fights. Anyways calm down bic boi.
You either did not read the full topic, or you are simply not smart enough to understand.
Let me explain this to you:
"After our TS3 lagging and crashing during our first 2 fights we knew we needed a new one, so we just bought one during PCL. After we hopped to our new TS3 server we only lost one fight wich was vs. TLP (: ."
Means we had 2 fights before we switched TS3, after we switched TS3 we lost one fight to TLP.
"The first fight with our brand new bought TS3!
We decided to give tlp another fight after we lost the first one against them.
It turned out with us winning this close fight."
As this was the first fight with the new TS3, wich we won, the other fight as stated we lost against you must have been before, the other fight as stated before was after we switched TS3.
^ One and one makes two, lol.
I did not mean to hurt you, sorry :(
This mans wisdom is astonishing.