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-> #1 P2P Med. <-
Sunday P2P Trip
Recorded By: Morris
Description:Today, our goal with a 52 man pull was to clear chaotic for all the smack going around lately on these forums. We also wanted to prove to the pure community that outrage is going for that #1 spot. We started our day by hunting down Chaotic. After getting their location, we rushed north from dwarves quickly clearing them and the remaining CPR. After clearing everything south of gap, we went on to fight Fi that were north of gap. After fighting for a few minutes, the fight was crashed by Foe so we bailed west.
Vs Crimson Project VsFatality
Outrage Starting - 52
Crimson Project Starting- 8-9??
Chaotic Starting - 25
Fatality Starting - ~40?
Outrage Ending - 35
Crimson Project Ending - 0
Chaotic Ending - 0
Fatality Ending - ~33?
Description:We asked Havoc for a run in after knowing these guys had the #1 title. I specifically said the fight would be at sperm but had 1 of the ranks say i said we would defend dwarves. Havoc refused to fight at sperm so we decided to walk in a large spread to dwarves running into Havoc planning a gwas on our way from sperm to dwarves. We quickly turned on them and controlled the fight with ridiculous pushes and unbelievable calling. We didnt care much about their pull, we were out to prove we are a force not to be reckoned with. #1 Med has been dropped by outrage.
Outrage starting: 45
Havoc Starting: 32
Outrage Ending: 39
Havoc ending: 0
Outrage Vs Ef Vs Cp Vs Ctrl
Description: This fight was easy, we got chaotics loc and wanted to clear them, mistakenly saw control. We cleared control then moved into the graveyard clearing chaotic + EF + Cp. Good job to all clans in the cluster. To bad foe had to crash. =[
Outrage Starting: 47
Corrupt Pures Starting: 24?
Exiled Force Starting: 22
Control Starting: 21??
Chaotic Starting: 15
Outrage Ending: 43
Corrupt Pures Ending: 0
Exiled Force Ending: 0
Control Ending: 0
Chaotic Ending: 0
Final Description: We had 1 last fight with havoc but we knew they would have there buddy CPR team with them so decided to keep in touch with Control. When we noticed CPR members running towards us from the south of dwarves, we decided to give control our world. Control sandwiched havoc from the north while we cleared several CPR, outrage decided to end after a marvelous day. We quickly rushed west after seeing TR getting into the cluster. Good job to all the clans today.
Pictures: Warning a lot of pictures!