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Dong Inhaler

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Everything posted by Dong Inhaler

  1. Just saying.. Hogwarts skys are green and blue.. Giving it a gloomy feel. This is too YAY feeling for me. lol :) It would be cool for in the lower left to have horwarts below him too :) Just suggestions. lol
  2. I love everything except the border. Take it off :D
  3. I'm not ;P I'm just tired of the same ole' banners. lol
  4. You should have categories.. like Mid-Level Pure High-Level Pure Main Clan They're soo many options that it would be nice to narrow down ;P Juss sayin. MM ;) inb4mmfanboy.
  5. Pcl made soo many people get def -.-
  6. This. The non-runescapers would always down on runescape for ****** graphics. Runescapes game engine always topped other games..
  7. Even though this is just for mm, If toxic or 13th or whatever doesn't like it.. It's easily exchanged for any clan, I just need motto, 1 or 2 clan colors, 3-5 screenies and your motif. :P
  8. v6 will have screenies on the right side guys ;P I just need to get some good oldschool screenies that really represent mm. :P Thanks for support. :)
  9. Since all clans nowadays have some kid whose spent 3 hours in photoshop make their banner, brush spamming and adding annoying lighting.. I'm kickin it back with some runescape style. lol Going for the runescape homepage search bar look. :P It's a work in progress. :) The top of the sig is somewhat ripped from the homepage.. Everything else is made from scratch. Heres the template I made for the banner.. Don't hate.. I made it from scratch. *Partially leeched from jagex. lol * v1. v2. Lowered the opacity on the outer glow. v3. Pink Bg for the sides. v4. Added Mayhem Makers. v5. Lightened Mayhem Makers. Added the Smaller the Shield, The Bigger the Blade. Added rs screenies. Thoughts? CnC would be lovely.
  10. oh baby ;) what a sweetheart :P
  11. I didn't edit the eyes at all. lol
  12. I like it.. Just keep your renders the orig. color. :) Would put more contrast into it.
  13. Nothing Special.. Only had like an hour to do this stuff.. Rate/Hate. Gimme some CnC on the mario one. Original: Downsized w/ Border: Downsized w/ Border & Text: Freestyle, Splash of Color:
  14. I like it! Maybe make the color transition in the bg more aggressive? Just a simple gradient overlay from orange to blue and just overlay it and lower the opacity <3 gratz to you and aidan on makin the gfx team.
  15. Dong Inhaler

    Dark Mark

    Because all of the feedback is the same. derp.
  16. Dong Inhaler

    Dark Mark

    "and still errors." -.-
  17. Dong Inhaler


    Decent for some beginner work.. :P Try following the rule of thirds with your render placement, your bg is kinda rough.. If you just moved the two renders over to the left and re-did the bg it might look superb :P When trying to blend the colored render in the last version, Try throwing some color in there.. Little splashes of yellow and sky blue might throw a nice touch. :)
  18. Dong Inhaler

    Dark Mark

    You just need to just touch up the snake.. MORE DETAIL. :) Skull needs work. inb4stillsomeerrors.
  19. Dong Inhaler


    Ugh.. I hate cartoon.. lol I had an order for one today and I literally took all the catoon-ness out of it cuz trying to stick to a cartoonish theme/flow is weird. lol :P It's hard to make it look professional. So aidan.. Lets pick a theme thatwe can both agree on.. lol Since we are on opposite sides of this equation. -.- We can all agree on nooblet :teehee: But yeah, L2 Stick to Cartoon theme ;D Well you said you were down with anything.. So I implied that you would just agree.. ;P
  20. Dong Inhaler


    Ugh.. I hate cartoon.. lol I had an order for one today and I literally took all the catoon-ness out of it cuz trying to stick to a cartoonish theme/flow is weird. lol :P It's hard to make it look professional. So aidan.. Lets pick a theme thatwe can both agree on.. lol Since we are on opposite sides of this equation. -.-
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