Then you wouldn't post.
I'm just wishing you luck considering you cant lead a clan.. You're gonna decide that losing your bank to randoms isn't fun and quit. You need luck.
How dare you call me a bad leader when you don't have enough balls to open any kind of a clan in general? *******.
First of all, i play rs like an hour a day.. lol i don't give enough time to rs anymore to lead a clan, and second of all.. every clan ive been in, ive been ranked and have been successful. I have alot of backup that you're a horrible leader.. ask all of 2spec and battlescape.
I'm done here. lol have fun trying to get more than 2 GOOD mems.
Okay if I'm such a bad leader explain why we never ever lost a war, bro? Exactly stay quiet now you idiot.
You've not been ranked by your skills in any clans, you sucked up to the leaders with your GFX.
I didn't suck up. lol The only thing i got from being a graphics prod was Admin on forums.. My extensive amounts of pking quality contributed to my rank placement. Don't try to tell me i cant pk. and You never lost a war when 2spec was dead, so all you fought were skillcape prods. lol
Not true at all, we never lost a war on Bs either, we beat Trilogy, Ai (Draw, 1-1), Immortality (1-1 Draw and theyr forfeited, now stop talking and ''Pk skills'' has nothing to do with ranks in clanss, you need clan experiance for it, not 1v1 experiance.
Depends on when you beat trilogy.. before of after the dupe? because trilogy lost about half their members due to being ip banned for duping..
''Pk skills'' has nothing to do with ranks in clanss, you need clan experiance for it, not 1v1 experiance.
Clan experience, true. 1v1 experience, you need that soo bad.. If your a top rank in a well known clan and cant 1v1 some random then youll look bad.. You have to be well rounded.
Not true at all, Trilogy had their war team, Their founder, Star, Dripz, Tim and someone else I can't remember.
Aswell; You don't need 1v1 experiance because basically anyone can come with a whip and spec a 600 with ags or whatnot, btw I can tell you're obsessed with me!
Getting downed in a 1v1 in front of your whole clan = ******* embarrassing.. nothing else to it.