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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. mains n 1 itemrs were all attking us. why u guys so mad? stop complaining and move on
  2. herp derp, talk bullsht n lies on your own topic please. o wait..
  3. feared+myse+ some1 else with a wierd name= they one itemed TR too, not in our clan. and no. u heard wrong then. we took on Ma on aswell as O after u guys ran west+ didnt return till we cleared Ma too.
  4. while we were at gdz, u guys regrouping/ran west, we got hit by Ma (rushing in from East) we to push them back. we came bck to gdz, u still werent there. we picked up loots n left...then u finally walk bck to gdz ty 4 fights though it was a fun sunday
  5. exactly u dumb ***** those who were 1 iteming all of us were Ambition.
  6. exactly loki ;) so they shouldnt complain about 1 items especially seeing so many of them did <_<
  7. oh natiiii, your the leader of ambition? my m8 telling me u encouraged your members to come back in 1 item on audio lmaoo you were 1 item dds returning most of the sunday trip, nice.
  8. ty ^^ apparently we in a slump but can still slap kids :D
  9. oh wait they didnt return in pure gear, they came in main gear :|
  10. Look at the initial spread before the fight, they were dressed in pure gear and would've stayed that way in their returns. Your mains lurked so I told them to main it up ;]. So quick to defend. Ready to see TR flock to the topic like seagulls on moldy bread. oh so u brought mains before u knew we had mains and they had main gear in there inventory that they might not have used..... DW sam we did the same! we just used our mains to 'Anti main' too! :yes: It's called returning. They died in pure gear, came back in main gear. You're trying to pin me in a corner, yes I brought 2 zerks wearing pure gear until they saw your mains, then they returned in zerk gear. Sue me. Opening your eyes, and not jumping on a single word in a sentence like a ***** in heat is usually a better perspective to view and counter your argument. oh my bad, at least your mains know how to return in pure gear, everyone else came back in 1 item
  11. Look at the initial spread before the fight, they were dressed in pure gear and would've stayed that way in their returns. Your mains lurked so I told them to main it up ;]. So quick to defend. Ready to see TR flock to the topic like seagulls on moldy bread. oh so u brought mains before u knew we had mains and they had main gear in there inventory that they might not have used..... DW sam we did the same! we just used our mains to 'Anti main' too! :yes:
  12. pure gear? u BRING mains yet complain about mains if the other clan has them :down:
  13. fun trip, alot of loot :) and i say all the white dots roman- so 8 or 9? ty 4 fight cpr
  14. didnt clear us + most your clan 1 itemed after 30 minutes of fighting
  15. good job TLP, shame u had to sit so many
  16. cp+dp FOE+MM+EOP+TLP+FI+TR+H+CTRL+TP+CP+DP+All other pure clans+ teams vs ROT+VR+HF+PX Returns on, full out (lets imagine we are fighitng in lvl 80 wildy..so everyone can attack eachother)
  17. 101 sins a ninja he cant show his true identity!
  18. backing out of a prep because of having to sit? :down: u sat 12+ people for the prep vs TR for like each round lol, whats the difference? ohhh....(+3 ea round) ty 4 prep tho :3
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