This is last round. Just a little bit of what was pasted in our staff chan. It's not hard proof but we did get ddosed. Anyways I'm not sitting here and saying thats why we lost so you don't need to go on a big rage fest with me. GF.
<00:18:08> "badger" dropped (connection lost)
<00:18:08> "xFloor" connected to channel "FULLOUT"
<00:18:08> "atommy1" dropped (connection lost)
<00:18:08> "[EoP]Russ1" connected to channel "FULLOUT"
<00:18:08> "Jacob" dropped (connection lost)
<00:18:08> "Jacob" dropped (connection lost)
<00:18:08> "Allen" dropped (connection lost)
I just watched a youtube video and there was not a single break in calling throughout the third round, from when you were up to when you were down.
Maybe some of your members were DDoS'd but you were still calling & playing.
Propaganda can't save this one, pal.
Do you guys even read my replys. I even said "I don't blame our loss on ddos". Our whole ts didn't go down if you listen to the video of you guys laughing at our ts. From 8:00 on (Third Round) you can hear the ts sever say countless times "User Timed Out". While in your ts recording I didn't hear that once. So this propaganda thing does go both ways.
Our whole TS didn't get ddosed, our ranks got ddosed. Everything single one, so mark and danny had to lead us to victory. But trust you guys to spew rubbish o yh 'Fact 1: Fatality have never pulled 100 in their 6 year + history. Their highest recorded pull was 94 to a P2P fullout vs FOE which they lost up 17' we pulled 100 to the full out vs foe in 2008 (pct) pulled 100 to the full out vs mm and pulled 100 to the full out in which sponge called a push into the trees. Spew more propaganda though, must be a tough loss for your members tbh... losing to the clan thats slumped for 4 years of it's existence... owch.