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Everything posted by bl00d`

  1. No dude Eop r gona slump us ffs pls dont make them made m8
  2. Gj looks like you guys are securing #4 P2p, keep it up i expect big things from you during the summer.
  3. MM - Peaked at 100~ Fi - Peaked at 85~ Foe - Peaked at 75 ~
  4. MM - Pulled Way too many Fi - Pulled 86; too little. Foe
  5. lmf walli o yh i got 72% in my contract law essay walli, #1 law student in pure clans? i think so.
  6. Yeah no kidding we'd have turmoil. :thumbsup: we wud have titans tho vid not showing, not sure if it's just because it's not up yet and you left a blank space though ty for fight, hopefully we have more in the future yh we cud prot range and we'd have a few titans aswell. Think turmoil would be a more influential factor in a wilderness fight in comparison to steel titans.
  7. gz some of the mains didnt have food though
  8. Yh all our first piles somehow magically pre-bailed which got us clumped rly bad
  9. getting there i guess, don't spam #fatality agen pls doe ty
  10. Clans most likely to take the 2012 pure clanning world by storm - Fi/NME Foe Clans most likely to break into the top 2 Fi NME
  11. F2p prepds Foe MM NME Eop Fi - Not going out for this weekend, quickly trying to sort out our citadel, will be back in full force next weekend however ^_^ P2p preds Foe MM Fi NME Overall MM Foe Fi NME Eop/TLP
  12. Eop trolling yet they're the ones doing citadel aswell, lolwut.
  13. What a witty comment, shame you couldn't respond to the statement i made. Na not really, i'm sure it's not as embarrassing as being in Eop; pulling 30's and claiming to be pulling more, ddosing/hacking to gain an unfair advantage and then getting slumped. You're the only person with some form of intellect in Eop due to you being a law student yet you're still deluded. I find it funny how all you Eop members put on a facade to try and cover how terrible you guys are actually doing. Keep posting on PW, PW battles are the only battles you're going to be winning so keep it up, doesn't negate the fact how far your clan has dropped. From aspiring and self proclaiming to be #1 to pulling 32s to p2p pk trips, oh how the mighty have fallen. Don't bother going grammar nazi on me either, you spelt embarrassing wrong
  14. How much did Z pull? not really wanting to sit 15+ at our prep vs them
  15. P2p Foe MM/Fi - Felt we were doing better, but you probs felt you were doing better, shame about the crash. NME Z Eop - Pulled like 32 IR
  16. Very accurate considering Fi peaked at 73 and eop peaked at like 54 and NME peaked at 55 and TLP peaked at 40~? P2P Preds - MM/Foe - Both going to be going H.A.M after last week, should be interesting Fi - If we pull within 5 of foe or within 10 of MM we'll have some fun ;p
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