Lol if you think it was a member of Foe who took down your ts. We don't have the know-how to do that stuff. Don't forget, we lift and are ceo10k/day, we have no time for nerdiness.
Come at me broccoli
You sure? Not what Scott said :rolleyes:
Funny how you all make accusations saying EOP did this, EOP did that but the majority of you are clueless. If there is any clan that gets ddosed on a daily basis it would be us, no body else. But you don't see me nor my clan members crying because we don't care, we just deal with it because its obviously become a part of this competition now.
This is nothing compared to main clans btw, VR goes through 6+ back up teamspeaks every fight. I think we broke the record for pure clans on Sunday though, all 4 back up team speaks down!
PS: You're all hypocrites, each and every one of you participates in these activities but you just don't want to look bad on the internet.
The only thing hypocritical would be to say that none of us do it. You opened this door now don't want to take the credit you deserve? Eop is responsible for more out of runescape related hostility than this entire clanning community combined. Not only do you engage in such behavior, but then you go and boast about it like it's something to be proud of. I find it beyond amusing how all the EOP ranks and members seem to believe they have some kind of accomplishment worth being proud of because at the end of the day even if you were the #1 clan the only way that would be possible is to have completely cheated the entire way up.
It's like pretending to be a retard just to win the special Olympics then taking your gold medal home to show all your friends. You, your clan, and anyone else who honestly thinks DDoSing is an acceptable means of Runescape combat is a complete joke.
Anyone can buy a booter and hit off websites/Teamspeaks.
Not just anyone can lead a pure clan to success.
You've chosen your path and let your message be heard. You are no one.
You hit off the opponents teamspeak?
- Your callers are inferior and thus cannot compete while the enemy has an advantage such as audio
- Your clan does not listen as well as your enemies and thus you resort to trying to even the battlefield by hitting off their audio.
Either way your clan is not as good and by hitting off their teamspeak you are really only complimenting their ability while insulting your own clan.
Give me proof any EOP member is ddosing your TS/forums right now and i'll deal with them. FOE apparently thought we hacked their forums but I think they know who did now.
I'm not gonna lie I ****** you over 5 weeks ago but I did it for a reason, the same reason MM pretty much did to EOP when etho deleted topics off our old ipb forums. You used mains against us (Me personally, I was tired of getting camped) and you were fine with it, fed locs to Nippon and you even got Turny to pm me and make a threat "If forums aren't up soon, Nippon will be targeting you 24/7".
Then you grew some brain cells and guested Nippon, the second that happened your forums went back up. Also, I have proof of Fi members harrasing EOP server from last Sunday, you want the proof? Pm me on here and i'll give it to you, but I doubt you'll do anything.
Using mains isn't a valid excuse for you to take runescape out of proportion and start ddosing sites/teamspeaks to gain an unfair advantage. You have LS continually aiding you at your fights but you don't see Fi/Foe resorting to hitting off your teamspeak/forums because that's pathetic. Well all i can say is i hope you're content with your clan, you've ddosed/cheated your way to #2, the second Fi was getting better than you, you couldn't take it so you resorted to NH tactics like you always do.