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Everything posted by bl00d`
Like i said in the OP people are entitled to rank whoever they want wherever, but by going on at the start, and throughout, about how your rankings were to take into account all era's (as if implying others didn't), then giving in depth descriptions of who did what years ago when you've clanned for barely a year, is a bit silly. Numerous examples of historical inaccuracy stemming from you not knowing about what you're talking about, such as saying when E was #1 the gap was massive, when in reality they and MM were very evenly matched, and it only took a month for them to get back ahead of E. Or saying Fi were strong in p2p many years ago when the reality was they were rubbish quality wise and got beaten in a fullout with a +20. Also "pre-pvp" days Fi were not unstoppable, numerous clans, especially EoP, frequently knocked around Fi and were considered better for long periods of time. but u were closed the majority of pcl ? who am i? either jonty or some mad eop kid ? why would you think i'm mad lol and if you're referring to eop, no they weren't. You were closed for the majority of PCL you re opened when Fi and Foe had a F2p full out and Foe spammed that you should remain dead, wut r u on about m8?
All of 2012? You won your first prep against Foe at the start of summer ending our 24 win streak. We rarely lost in the wild to you until the end of summer. And Mm have dominated F2P all year. You've had the edge for the last 4 months in clan wars and last 1-2 in wildy. Eop beat you in a p2p prep early this year, you were irrelevant in p2p fro the start of the year and John used to apoligise for hitting you because your pulls were so dismal. Last 1-2 months in wildy yet we're on a 3 month undefeated streak in p2p. lol stop talking rubbish.
bl00d` replied to Trile's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
Gj, don't think the result was ever in doubt -
foe pulled 48 wtf
what was the starting for the fi fight?
P2p trip wise Foe MM Fi - TLP - TLP have never been renown for their excellent trip and consistency on the weekend, what distinguishes TLP from every other clan is their excellent member quality and their ability to excel in matched option typed fights. P2p prep wise TLP - Don't think no other clan has consistently remained as good as TLP matched option wise, they rightfully deserve this spot Foe Fi
Like i said in the OP people are entitled to rank whoever they want wherever, but by going on at the start, and throughout, about how your rankings were to take into account all era's (as if implying others didn't), then giving in depth descriptions of who did what years ago when you've clanned for barely a year, is a bit silly. Numerous examples of historical inaccuracy stemming from you not knowing about what you're talking about, such as saying when E was #1 the gap was massive, when in reality they and MM were very evenly matched, and it only took a month for them to get back ahead of E. Or saying Fi were strong in p2p many years ago when the reality was they were rubbish quality wise and got beaten in a fullout with a +20. Also "pre-pvp" days Fi were not unstoppable, numerous clans, especially EoP, frequently knocked around Fi and were considered better for long periods of time. but u were closed the majority of pcl ? who am i? either jonty or some mad eop kid ?
no, in fact Fi refused to prep EoP for nearly 2 years because of how humiliated they got when we beat then in a F2P prep on the friday of their birthday weekend in 2010 rly?
Like i said in the OP people are entitled to rank whoever they want wherever, but by going on at the start, and throughout, about how your rankings were to take into account all era's (as if implying others didn't), then giving in depth descriptions of who did what years ago when you've clanned for barely a year, is a bit silly. Numerous examples of historical inaccuracy stemming from you not knowing about what you're talking about, such as saying when E was #1 the gap was massive, when in reality they and MM were very evenly matched, and it only took a month for them to get back ahead of E. Or saying Fi were strong in p2p many years ago when the reality was they were rubbish quality wise and got beaten in a fullout with a +20. Also "pre-pvp" days Fi were not unstoppable, numerous clans, especially EoP, frequently knocked around Fi and were considered better for long periods of time. but u were closed the majority of pcl ?
"Eop #1 much of 07" no u were #1 for 2 and a half months due to mass recruiting at pest control and went back to being irrelevant. Don't see how being relevant for 2 and a half months makes u #1
people are leaving your clan to join new clans like hazard because of your inactivity lol Meh, if you can't beat Fi starve them lol. Now i know how Foe felt in early 09 :(
Lol ok
[Z]enith Vs [T]he [L]ast [P]ures F2P Prep
bl00d` replied to iSlow Burnz's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
grats but tlp won coz u got cocky? or did they just simply do better in the second round? -
Fatality's Sunday P2P Video vs Brutality #1 P2P Main Team
bl00d` replied to Baranged1's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
I completely agree MM **** clan l2adapt not even that, FI has been in the pure community for years, and if you wanna calm #1 clan in the pure world you gotta beat Fi, which mm hasn't done in weeks MM always talks about how they can beat 30 def clans by pulling more than them, so let's see it happen! MM has shown this weekend they can beat foe/z/tlp/foe but not Fi, it says something If you wanna claim number 1 you have to beat MM in a fullout. Implying that full outs actually reflect a clans strength with all the ip lekaing and ddosing that happens these days. -
Full outs? what rules? 1 def f2p all on p2p? directed at mm obv
Havoc shows EOP & Hz what happens when it's matched
bl00d` replied to Pepsis's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
Gj and well done you're really becoming a force to be reckoned with in P2p, keep it up bros :thumbsup: -
Why would you include mm in the 1-39 defence pking scene? lol pure clans 1.MM Oh I'm sorry if MM doesn't fit in 1-39 you must be 40+??? Overall 1. Fi 2. MM 3. Foe I don't remember the last time mm accepted a prep from Fi Doesnt change the fact I dont remember the last time we lost a round to you. mm hi cp fi foe tlp eop Your statement is highly contradictory and doesn't make sense, you claim to be kings of P2P due to foe declining your full out offers but we can't claim to be #1 F2p matched when we've beaten all the competition that's out there and you refuse our fight offers? Logic, you currently have none, which is rather disappointing consider you're the only MM member that makes some what constructive posts. We've also never lost a prep vs hostility but there is a first time for everything. Lists trolling aside. F2p matched Fi/MM - Could go either way, both have similar matched option capabilities but i feel Fi has the edge simply due to our levels. CP - Doing good as of late still haven't beaten Fi Foe - Has off days like every other clan, i feel if they want to win a matched F2p fight they will. TLP - Same as the above H/Z - Both have their good and bad days could easily compete for #2/#3 if they tried. P2p matched Fi - No room for debate tbh Foe - Stepping it up which is what i like to see, see you reclaiming your #1 spot soon or atleast actively competing for it TLP - Doesn't have the drive nor the desire at the moment which is a shame Havoc - Good quality, needs more numbers MM/HZ - If MM want it they'll get it, simples. F2p Fi - For now MM - See them over taking us due to sheer numbers Eop - All flames aside, you're steadily rising guess Goop is doing a half decent job Z/Hi/TLP - Don't know what's going on with you guys at the moment. P2p - Fi - Our levels and numbers set us aside from all other clans, we've gone 3 months finish at the top of p2p, speaks for itself. MM - Numbers, they need more of them Foe - Starting to pick back up TLP - Always a force to be reckoned with despite their loss to Z Z - You've been in this position before, let's see if you can actually take TLPs spot
Fatality's Sunday P2P Video vs Brutality #1 P2P Main Team
bl00d` replied to Baranged1's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
If we pulled 35 and everyone was 122 nobody would complain because they'd be able to beat us, we'd get replies like 'i respect Fi because they value quantity over quality'. But due to the fact we currently have both clans look for an excuse to justify them not being able to compete and that excuse is our levels. It's not like we accept defence levels that no other clan accepts, the only difference is our turmoilers have atleast 2 95 stats and 94 magic, that's a bare minimum. However due to clans starving us i see our pull slowly starting to decline in the future and if we're not #1 watch clans start stop calling us a main clan. -
Fatality's Sunday P2P Video vs Brutality #1 P2P Main Team
bl00d` replied to Baranged1's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
Brutality doesn't post on these forums, why are you kissing up to them? Brut rushed us and the fight broke out, we done exceedingly good as indicated by our KDR, FF crashed from the south when we had began to push them. We stayed for a little while longer due to no clan attacking us, the fight had now become FF v Brut, we stayed for a few more seconds and then dipped when it became apparent our fight had been stolen. Simples. FF clearly stated they crashed our fight in their RSC topic lol I actually like FF more than Brutality, and didn't even know Brutality were still alive. I just found it funny that you pumped your members up about "1v2ing MM+FOE this weekend we need everyone!" Only for you to basically team with FF and try to 2v1 Brutality. Also, from the vid, it's quite embarrassing that they didn't even acknowledge you anymore in the 2v1 lol You also did not push until AFTER FF crashed. You can see FF spamming "necks off" when they crash, you then pushed about 10 seconds later. You actually did the 2v1 fight longer than you did the 1v1 fight I am guessing a Brutality rank PM'd your rank and told them to get off of them and your rank was intimidated and called your members off, otherwise you would have stayed on them and their 'lollolol 8x8 clusters lols!!' Pumped our members up for a 2v1? Woah mate leave it yeeee. We didn't even have a motivation topic for this week, was just a standard 75 person pull to go destroy pure clans lol. If we did have some form of pump up topic we would have pulled 85+ like 2 weeks ago lol. Yes i agree totally, because we didn't push Brut from corp to trees, then drag them north and hit their clumps. Na, Bruts numbers were thinning down already and when FF crashed they ran south to get a regroup at corp where the fight stayed for a while. A brut rank pmed us? Na. Fighting at corp is retarded because mains can return via games necklace to the exact location whilst we have to run down from GDZ lol. -
Fatality's Sunday P2P Video vs Brutality #1 P2P Main Team
bl00d` replied to Baranged1's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
Yeah try fighting brut while not crashing them with even opts i bet you'd do so well! You guys just crashed them.. lmfao they were in clumps because that's how they fight aka single spells. I'm sure you'd get pummeled if you tried fighting them even opts lmfao Grats on barraging a single spells main fight lmao? Was brut vs Fi and FF crashed, refer to FF's topic ;p -
Fatality's Sunday P2P Video vs Brutality #1 P2P Main Team
bl00d` replied to Baranged1's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
Brutality doesn't post on these forums, why are you kissing up to them? Brut rushed us and the fight broke out, we done exceedingly good as indicated by our KDR, FF crashed from the south when we had began to push them. We stayed for a little while longer due to no clan attacking us, the fight had now become FF v Brut, we stayed for a few more seconds and then dipped when it became apparent our fight had been stolen. Simples. FF clearly stated they crashed our fight in their RSC topic lol -
Fatality's Sunday P2P Video vs Brutality #1 P2P Main Team
bl00d` replied to Baranged1's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
I don't really care, I would fight you no matter what for the luls but I know that we won't win matched against a clan that occosionally has 1 pure with them at trips. It's simply not possible. Would you fight against a clan with all of them having 50 defence and rune matched? Put some thought into it. Then again I'm 100% certain we'd 3-0 you in a 100v100 1 def Now stahp. 100% certain? you're pretty good but 100% certainty infers you're so confident you'd be able to bet you're life on the outcome. I doubt you're that confident. -
Ye clans don't wana fight Fi if they pull 79 and have 52 titans ;p so we just fight brut the #2 main clan coz theyre our only competition, all u lil guy clans can't compete Fi - Peaked 79, nobody could compete and nobody can compete. Think otherwise? 3 months undefeated in p2p speaks for itself. You realize you hardly kill anyone in a 2v1 fight (2v1 being Fatality+FF vs Brutaltiy) right? Stick to pure clans and stop trying to flame you're not that good at it O yes i recall your clan being there watching, na u were getting chased around by havoc lulz. The initial fight was Brut vs Fi at corp and we dragged north and started fighting, FF crashed and we dipped. We left with 95~ kills and 10 deaths, But i guess 95 kills is hardly killing anyone these days... Fi MM Foe