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Everything posted by bl00d`

  1. Wasn't it like 5 seperate fights? Tbh i didn't like it i like 1v1's better but what can you expect when you're the most dominant f2p clan in history :/
  2. MM take it? or Foe take it? If MM then yh if Foe then no. Foe were only untouchable from december to febuary ish, in feb MM started gaining opts and competing with Foe. On april Fi and MM started getting wins over Foe. By may/june wins were being exchanged every week by MM/Fi/Foe by july MM beat Foe in a full out for #1 and haven't looked back since then.
  3. If you were talking about #1 overall as in P2p+F2p erm ok i guess if ur talking about all time F2p then Fi is higher ranked than Foe. Overall F2p comes down to MM and Fi simple as. Fi was #1 for 2 years and we've been the most dominant F2p clan in history so imo that somewhat ties us. Today MM - Needed 6 clans to beat us and we still held our ground Fi - Had like 75, you had 6 less than us why didn't you fight 1v1? Foe - Had less than Fi at 1 point you had 43? LOL??? Eop
  4. owow just watched the vid, Foe clumped so bad. New #1 p2p?
  5. I don't see why everyone is flaming Fi lol, they've been in a slump for the longest time so when they come out of it they are going to be happy and think highly of their clan. They may even try to rush in and think they're #1 again when they're not, so what? It seems they're doing more of defending their clan than flaming, but mm k. Today MM - Beat Fi Fi - Beat us once, but we were low on opts due to a change in trip times, would have beaten you if we re-matched.
  6. F2p - MM Rest all suck so not even worth the mention.
  7. MM, dominant and well established in both servers. If not MM, Fi i guess, considering a large amount of your clan is there.
  8. BANG. EPIC LIST IS EPIC R[]FL. Summer time F2p preds MM Fi EOP - U guise r legend ples Foe P2p preds MM Foe Fi Person who got most girls at hyde park bl00d`/swagga - Will be joint at 9@@@
  9. Stop talking like you know about main clans, Di was #1 f2p, infact they are the only clan to have ever been #1 p2p and #1 f2p at the same time.
  10. RoT does F2p on a regular basis, most clans consider them #4/#5 F2p.
  11. F2p preds - MM FOE Fi - Won't be able to do much, no forums for 2 week. I can understand you being able to manage without forums for 1 week but not 2 considering you won't be getting any applicants/intro's.
  12. Well i'm not going to bother to debate on these forums, my point is that being arrogant gets you know where. You may say RoT are arrogant and NH and what not, but they have the dedicated members and leadership to back what they say/do. It took Rot 6 months of rebuilding for them to build their core-base of members which has allowed them to be so dominant in the P2p server. How long has it taken you to build your core-base up? 2 months? Don't get me wrong davey is doing an excellent job, he's most likely the best leader Fi has had since james/charles but don't ruin his work by acting so immature and cocky on these forums. Stay humble young bucks. Foe Fi/MM - Depends on opts, if it's 70v70 i'm pretty sure it will be a hard fought fight with us coming out on top.
  13. F2p Overall MM Foe Fi - Humble yourselves young bucks. P2p Preds Foe MM Fi DP? @Fi, you guys are doing pretty good and stuff but you need to stay humble and stop acting like cocky, mass recruited 010 prods. You guys have a rich history and are an original top 3 clan, stop portraying yourselves as an 08 like DP or some **** clan like that. You’ll find if you continue to act cocky when you slump you’ll slump even harder because you can’t back up the **** you started. Stay humble young bucks.
  14. Overall F2p MM - Holds this spot easily. Foe - Has the edge over Fi imo. Fi - Been pulling 70+ 3 or 4 weeks in a row, been pulling 60+ for 2 months+ safe to say they're #3. Overall P2P Foe - Holds this spot MM - Can beat Foe on our day Fi - Solid numbers can compete with the above even though they might not win.
  15. Don't you guys like the world cup?
  16. You do know Fi has been pulling 65+ for 2 and a half months and 60+ for close to 3. Anyways Gj CP, don't know what all the fuss is about. DP crashed a planned run in with Fi and CP like 3 months ago and Fi and CP teamed when you crash a planned thats what happens.
  17. You're actually retarded lol. How can EOP talk about ddosing and **** your clan is pathetic l0l, you hack forums don't act like your clan is full of saints. Today - Fi - Beat Foe and EOP i heard, had pretty decent organisation. MM - Peaked at 70 or so couldn't really get a fight, we wern't interested in fighting Fi considering they had 15 more and have like 10 people in adamant. Foe - It's a real shame we couldn't get a fight CP - Beat DP DP EOP - Dono what you did.
  18. Why are you ranking CP #1? you didn't do ****. P2p preds Foe/MM - Always depends on the opts Fi/TLP - Depends on the opts once again DP
  19. Today - FI - Pulled good despite having no forums, keep it up i guess. MM - Had around 70 or so due to the world cup didn't really get a clean fight, didn't lose either. Foe - Lost to Fi so ye? CP - Beat Dp i heard Eop? Dp.
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