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Everything posted by bl00d`

  1. A F2p prep win would encourage members to attend F2p trips and i doubt it would be 'free loot' seeing as they whiped youn on saturday.
  2. Yes because 3 people who have really changed a 27-0 outcome.
  3. Pretty accurate list, trolling aside.
  4. Don't know why Fi are acting so cocky and being so rude, i remember how james always told us to be humble even when Foe flamed us and told us we were slumping and **** we always stayed humble. Be different from how Foe was and respect who you fight, theres really no need to flame/bait. Goodjob none the less.
  5. Dying to exclusive+exertion and then dying to TLP? You trolling?
  6. Not much we can do, nobody cares lol.
  7. I love fi and all but stop licking ur ***** and ranking yourselves #2 you've only been better than Foe for 3 weeks!!!!! F2p preps[matched] MM Fi - I guess? They curb stomped Foe today in a 34v34 Foe - Defo not slumping even tho they pulled 34 to a prep Dp
  8. Lol at the DP mains attacking you, anyways goodjob on beating DP shows why you are still a dominant force in P2P.
  9. looked good shame fight at hills got crashed
  10. You made a topic for 1 win? Damn, you guys love spreading your propaganda.
  11. 53->45->40 after 3 fights, so you're telling me you got 3 fights in 3 hours? Your scouting must suck.
  12. Yh man barely passed you when you pulled 45! And @ the Foe kids talking about fatal mayhem dont crash our fight or you'll get slapped like today :< P2p today Rot Af Brut HF MM/Fi Foe TLP DP
  13. #1)Fi/MM - Never really got a clean fight. Next week will be fun i guess (Y). #2)Dp/TLP - Heard you guys had an epic fight. #3)IR - Heard you had solid options. #9000)Foe - Nice crashing and then getting slapped, very classy.
  14. They've pulled below 60 for 2 weeks in a row, lol. Yesterday - MM Fi Dp Foe - PCL is calling you. P2p preds Foe/MM MM/Foe Dp/Fi Fi/Dp TLP
  15. Lol at the threats from Foe, chins up and bounce back. You should have given us a fight we had around 75 or so :|.
  16. you drop opts pretty quick, don't mass.
  17. Fi isn't computer smart, i highly doubt they'd be able to DDOS unless famous done it. That famous guy scares me :>. MM Fi - I heard? FOE Dp EOP Tomorrow - MM/Foe Foe/MM Dp Fi TLP
  18. I kinda agree with the 1-5 thing, goodluck irl.
  19. Good old top pure clan list ;) F2p MM - We own everything Foe - Starting to focus on P2P, still hold this spot. Dp - Has the Edge over Fi Fi - Holds this spot easily Cp - Pretty gud pk Eop P2p MM/Foe - MM are undefeated in 3 weeks and have curb stomped Foe 2 weeks in a row, next week decides it imo. Foe/MM Fi - Has the edge over Dp for now i feel Dp will take their spot soon enough. Dp TLP
  20. Well i think considering that Rot pulled 125 yesterday they could take Brut+Foe alone considering they have such a dedicated memberbase. With MM it would just be a slaughter. Hmm MM+Fi Vs Foe+DP full out p2p, i don't know i'd say MM+Fi. I think MM would out pull Foe by 20-30 and Dp will outpull Fi by 10-15 and Fi has SS and turm so yh. Rot Vs Foe+MM+DP+FI+TLP
  21. I swear Fi won the first fight? Didn't they have more before the crash? O well Gj DP.
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