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Everything posted by bl00d`

  1. Stop there, Foe's leadership is far better. They havn't slumped over 6 times in 2 years.
  2. Ask cory it was a 60 v 60 matched option fight.
  3. bl00d`

    CP vs MM

    SPW gud dumb, y accept 20 def gear :|
  4. Sorry but Tlp had a **** weekend, they pulled like 30 to F2p and 60 to P2p. Fi pulled 91 to F2p and 50 to P2p and MM peaked at 95 in F2p and pulled 66 to P2p. -.- Upcoming months in F2p - #1)MM - Will remain dominant. #2)Foe - Will start to compete with MM. #3)Dp - Will push past Eop. #4)Fi/Cp - Fi having the edge. #5)Eop
  5. P2P - #1)Foe #2)Dp #3)Tlp #4)MM - pulled 65, no main callers. #5)Fi - Had 45-50 #6)Cy?
  6. Saturday - #1)MM #2)Fi #3)Foe #4)Dp - Were beating Fi but Hf crashed. #5)Cp #6)Eop Or you could go #1)MM #2)Fi/Foe/Dp #3)Cp #4)Eop. P2P Preds - Foe MM Tlp Dp Fi - IF they get good opts and thats a BIG IF.
  7. Why would you be watching it? shouldn't you be leading your own clan? Vr Rot Df
  8. Nobody won, you both had mains on you, both sides feel they won. Just stop flaming. F2p overall - MM Eop - BARELY Foe Dp Cp Fi - Takes more than just 1 good week, keep it up.
  9. Seeing Most Clans Have Ended - #1)MM - Peaked 100. #2)Fi - Peaked 90, feel they could have maybe competed for #1 today. #3)Foe - Did a lot on their trip only clans they lost to were Fi and MM. #4)Dp - Heard you were winning your fight with Fi then Hf crashed, didn't really do much on your trip though. #5)Cp - Good options, just unlucky today. #6)Eop - Don't think you won once today. #1)->#6) in 1 week? Dang. #7)Tlp - Saw you out with 30 or so.
  10. Today so far - MM - pulled 100 Fi - pulled 90 beat Foe. Foe Eop - Saw you in clanwars with 75 people Dp - Saw you in clan wars with 77 Cp - ??
  11. Since when did Tlp become good? like honestly. Does anyone remember the matched 60 v 60 when Foe won with like 50 left? Foe SHOULD win, but it's not like TLP declared for #1 p2p is it? they said they declared for "fun fun fun"
  12. Why would i stalk an idiot like you? i'm just telling you that you need to stop sucking off Foe, they don't want you back in their clan.
  13. F2p since E has closed - #1)MM - Going to have to defend this spot and show everyone what we are made of #2)Eop - Gona try and go for #1 but won't get very far imo. #3)Foe - Will hold down this spot easy. #4)Cp - With the E apps they should get a little boost, however Dp might overtake them. #5)Dp - Got the most apps out of E closing might be able to take #4. #6)Fi - Left behind, got 0 E apps i think. #7)TLP - Focusing on taking MM out in P2p o,o.
  14. wtf wernt u like honoured member in E?
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_flxwZi8hw that vid shows you getting beaten. Edit: Editted out the bits that could cause more arguing.
  17. SLURP SLURP, someone is trying to get back into Foe lol.
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