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mace has a butterfree

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Everything posted by mace has a butterfree

  1. I used to know how but I cant seem to figure it out since youtube changed their urls :| I'd like this in my sig
  2. UPDATE! DAGGY BOY GOT 80 STRENGTH! Yeah just add me and catch me when I'm on or something :3
  3. Hey Josh, my name's Mace. I live in the ocean. I enjoy pooping and peeing. I also enjoy eating peanut butter and learning more about it. I'm currently building up a pure, probably going to be F2P. Not sure which clan I want to apply to yet. I don't always play Runescape, but when I do I sit in bob's axes.
  4. I tried to get into the old #omni house tonight to say hello. Come to find out my old nick (Mace) has been taken by some Swedish guy :confused: So I register `Mace and knock on the door to the happy old #omni house and I'm banned! Gosh darn I thought I'd be able to see ma ole pardnerz and have a good ol' time again but it gun dun look liek it cant wurk out n de end o woe is me
  5. Why would anybody buy membership for a team cape?
  6. Classic capes and veterans capes should be f2p/ So lame -.-
  8. YOU HAVE TO WIPE YOUR BUTT WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT IT that way you wipe your butt but you don't remember either... Now you're using your :mace:
  9. The Ultimate Mace A Documentation of Mace's Babies Lookin' cute feelin' cute. Just got back into training my lil def baby :3 Regular progress screens to come 4/30/11 5/7/11 on the way to 90 range! 5/13/11 This lil guy's been getting neglected. :[ But I've taken interest in playing on him recently. :3 4/30/11 I hate to play favorites but this lil guy's my favorite. :thumbsup: He's gonna grow up quick. :thumbsup: 4/30/11 5/13/11 6/14/11 Feel free to add any of my accs, I'll chat/have sex with/pk with/help crash some clan with/play footsie with all of ya'll. :thumbsup:
  10. **** the royal wedding and **** monarchy
  11. new ones (2010+) found some oldies too!! ^**** yeah ^Seemed like every clan had these at one point :P
  12. WHAT baby what did I lie about? :confused:
  13. Thanks babe. And might I say I love the puking pandas. N!
  14. America (sucks) :confused: Dude watch it :\
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