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mace has a butterfree

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Everything posted by mace has a butterfree

  1. Signature limits are a bust. Just use yer eyes staff! No set sig limits but remove it if it's excessively big! ;)
  2. New Forum Lawz: Ways you can get suspended: Talking about RuneScape If you say the phrase "not necesscelery" If you do not wash your hands before viewing PW (We don't want to spread germs) If you forget to wipe yer butt If you remember to wipe yer butt If you listen to/enjoy any of the following bands, a day to remember, listen to the sky, all time low, underoath, lil wayne If you are a poser If you act like a poser More to come. :mace:
  3. Move/Change/Get rid of the architects. Not only the size but the font face. What looks to be a white gradient coming up from the bottom of the piece should be made a little more subtle or it could be removed, play with it. The splat is okay but its making the whole thing seem flat, I dunno if that's what you're going for..? I don't understand the black lines on the top and bottom of the piece at all.
  4. Sorry but this is really bad. Blurry everywhere, jagged text and elements of the flier just don't line up. Good try though.
  5. A lil blurry and the transition is a little off on the left side. Annnd the black lines kind of throw it off, besides that its good.
  6. I look at both of you and go: :mace: love
  7. Idk when WAR has ever ripped any graphics. :confused: **** haha I totally got you confused with pink. Sorry man :P
  8. *You're sitting in the PW room watching paint dry as clanners argue about "full outs." You feel yourself beginning to fall asleep when suddenly the door opens... You wake up to see who it is and then you think to yourself, there is hope for this place.* I see you and this is my face: Then I'm all like: :mace: party time :mellow: <3
  9. pretty good. guess you're not a ripper anymore ;)
  10. Corrupt Pures Malice The Last Pures Carpediem So many terrible pure clan names..
  11. means yes called it :teehee:
  12. take away his admin privileges you can't drive recklessly and be an admin AT THE SAME TIME
  13. Hey all. Just wondering if anyone else is eagerly awaiting the veterans cape. I've been signing on for brief periods of time just to see if they have come OUT YET BECAUSE I'M EXCITED TO FINALLY BE ABLE TO GET SOMETHING COOL. :3 I hope they come out with a 10+ year cape.
  14. yeah I'm mace. i'll talk to you in irc or something if you don't believe me but i need gamez mail me someee
  15. oh man does anybody wanna mail me some sweet video gamez
  16. charlie sheen is the man winning
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