Would you mind explaining to me on an intellectual level how it's sad to cheat back when cheated against?
As well as how you specify my retaliation as sad and don't mention how they cheated first?
two wrongs don't make a right. weren't you taught that when you were a kid? not trying to cause a problem but must people revert to ddosin' and shxt and just rely on pure skill and talent on winning? not fun when this shxt happens
Your stating morals based on personal preference. If someone hits you in the face at school are you going to turn your cheek and walk away? Actually shouldn't have asked that considering I already know your answer, yes you would because you feel someone shouldn't be dealt a dose of their own medicine.
And as a reply to your second statement/question would be, can't TH rely on such to win instead of initiating a NH/Cheating war against us? The same statement can be applied both ways so once again I ask you why you specifically target these questions towards me or my team as opposed to our opposition?
So, once again, mind intellectually explaining such instead of replying with more impulsive questions with no sole-reasoning behind them?
okay but what's the difference between a punch in the face and losing pixels. This is a game. Play fairly. I would punch the shxt outa the kid because it's real life. However, in Runescape, it is a game and only pixels being lost which causes you no harm what so ever.
Also, I'm not specifically talking about just you guys cheating. I'm implying my remark to both Teams. There's no point in cheating. As it shows you are weak and have to revert to foul play to win. Now why instead of you DDosing, couldn't you just wreck them without cheating? Therefore if you would have won whilest they were cheating, you would be glorified in doing so. BUT you didn't.
Hey, it's not my team. Not my way of playing. Play your way and I'll play mine, the honest way.
#outrage showing what maturity is all about.
I think fivee said it all.