We get ddos'd, and have been hacked more times than FI has, yet we're not the ones complaining about it, because whether we complain or not it's still going to happen. I cannot emphasize how truely stubborn you are for thinking that everything to do with hacking and ddosing is because of EoP lmao, boy, your leaders really are retarded, and you aswell, for believing them.
Nice try, CP tries copying us so hard sometimes I find it funny. Trying to claim how many clans you slumped/closed, from copying our tactics, and even our forum awards, there was a topic on CP forums about what they should do to improve their clan, and it was copied right from EoP forums lmao, that was like 4-5 months ago, so im not gonna bother trying to find it, but it was pretty funny.
On Topic: I think 3 major things that ruined the pure community, is:
A.) Pure Community / Pure Warfare. - It made competition alot more serious, gave members more of a chance to flame and rag on each other, troll, etc. and basically this site just fuels the rivalries most the time.
B.) Teamspeak (in a way)....when clans never used TS, it was straight up warring/spamming/piling, now when a clans TS gets ****** over (which happens alot)....people complain how they lost their TS etc. and act like its the end of the world. I can comfortably say my clan gets ddos'd more than any other clans (and no we dont ddos ourselves, idiots lmao)....we just learned to adapt and move on and aim for better next time....we have to switch alot of TS channels sometimes but at times I wish we just went back to the old days and never used TS at all.
C.) KDR - KRD isn't too bad of a thing, but clans are afraid to have a negative KDR...what ever happened to not caring about a 50k risk pile and just playing for fun? Before, clans could have had a 0.6 KDR but could have had an amazing 3 hour pk trip filled with action, nowadays, even if you did think you had fun, you got idiots like "lmao nice negative kdr" blah blah blah....it's common sense if your fighting someone, and get crashed/teamed on for a few fights, your gonna end up with a negative kdr most likely....but one should not judge how fun a clans trip was by KDR.
Theres lots of other things but i been waiting to go for this coffee and cigarette for the last 10 mins, and its starting to get cold. Cheers. :thumbsup:
Your cancer clan is one f the only clans that DDOS teamspeaks for your own pleasure.
since this is my first day logging in to PW since ever i checked my inbox here is a PM from one of your respecfull leaders:
He is banned on PW; i still cringe when people cry about proof what your vemin clan does. just because MM doesn't resort to lowlife tactics doesn't mean we aren't capable, can't wait till your next month leadership rotation to see if you pile of **** finally colapses.