Outrage pulled 24 today.
Well we set out on our trip with 24 people today and had our eyes set on Chaotic and DF. I asked DF for there numbers right at the start but they had 15 so I decided to leave them alone. Then I asked the immature ranks on Chaotic who told me they had 2 so I just let them enjoy there trip in single. Outrage vs The Hatred
After CH ranks telling us they had 2 we asked TH for a quick run in, they told us to defend vents at a world of our choice so we did. We took a dd at vents, as I saw they were north on the steps in single I grabbed a quick fall in and we moved west to see if they would come down, it apparently worked because they came down and we pushed right on top of them with scims, they hugged single at stairs as we pulled north with bows, killing them 1 by 1 I took a fall in and we walked back west to mossies.
We let them get a regroup at stairs while we rested in single waiting for them to come down into multi, as they did we rushed back in and cleared the remaining 10 or so of them then left. Thanks for the fight TH. Outrage vs Turbulence
After banking our loot from our fights with TH, Turbulence had asked us for a run in, we said ok and they told us to defend spider village. It turns out that as we were walking towards spiders they were just east of the south entrance so our fight set off right north of the trees south of spider village. We dragged inside of the gates for some quick kills and before we knew it, we had a great return fest going on. We fought in and out of spider village for a solid 32 minutes. I personally died 1 times and the fight ended when we got a regroup and rushed them all the way at chaos alter. Thanks for the great fight TB, one of the most fun fights ever. Outrage vs Gravity
After our long well fought fight with TB Gravity pmed us asking for a run in, we quickly accepted, hopped to there world and started walking up to gap where they wanted to defend. As we hit dwarfs we saw there scout just north so we potted and quickly rushed with our purple @ signs up. After about 2 minutes for pushing them around with scims they began to rush south, we chased them with our bows for a couple quick kills then got north to piper where we claimed our win.