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Everything posted by Drake-
Do you think Def Reqs will change for Pure Clans after EoC?
Drake- replied to FearThe101's topic in General Discussion
probably not. we'll all just go main -
except f2p fullouts against the #1 clan, apparantley :P
this pretty much kills all of drake's argument yes because the opinion of someone who was never a rank in eop who left to join a rival clan (nme) must contain total accuracy maybe we should ask 101, floor and cameron what they think of fi's leadership, seeing as they were all once a part of it.
eop already won just awaiting our sig
MM gotta fullout fi, cp and foe before they want a fullout with us, why would we bother stepping down to the #5 clan.
One of our HC's just got hacked and everyone in our CC has been kicked damn eop must have done it to themselves, only nh clan in this community
last time mm lost in a 100v100 f2p. Just tell me. your claim stands no ground and is only backed up by air. nah i'd say its backed up by MM declining the last 3 f2p fullouts that were declared on them (2 from EoP, 1 from TLP) tlp? prob some pw bull **** eop cannot beat foe, tlp cannot beat foe, foe cannot beat MM. lets pull up the first declaration lmao. "20 def cap because you accept 20 def (and my 21 def avg vs ur 6 def avg will give me what I need)" "no corrupt or dung(so our defence and prayer levels give us even more of an advatange by limiting offense) I don't even remember the rest. All bull **** rules. Propaganda stunt. (don't blame him for this) Lets pull up this recent declaration: Weeks after EOP ddosed Fi trying to win a 100v100 same rules minus 20 def cap. Another propaganda stunt, as clearly demonstrated by this "most hated, most fear" bull **** We aren't going to give you the 5% chance of you beating us. You got to earn it. Beat cp, beat tlp, beat fi, and most importantly beat foe. You're ranked #5 f2p tied with tlp, and that's being generous. We aren't scared to fight Fi, who are clearly better than you at f2p, and even beat you in a 100v100 recently without ts and while being ddosed individually. We even welcome our longtime rivals foe to challenge us and prove themselves. Foe is lightyears ahead of you in f2p too. WE AREN'T SCARED OF EOP, THEY ARE NOTHING. now shush. We're tied for #5 yet were #1 on saturday and #2 last saturday A propaganda stunt yet the fullout was organized through the PCT, which both clans signed up for not knowing who would get drawn with who Clearly better in f2p yet you continue to decline fullout offers with poor excuses about how 1 of your callers got ddosed when theres pics of him running around warring. The logic in this post seems sound. If MM wasn't scared they wouldn't have made a channel with 4 other clans to kick us out of PCT to avoid warring us. refer to signature
nice to see you bounce back from yesterday, its a shame you're spending 2 consecutive saturdays in clw losing fullouts to hide from us though :\
last time mm lost in a 100v100 f2p. Just tell me. your claim stands no ground and is only backed up by air. nah i'd say its backed up by MM declining the last 3 f2p fullouts that were declared on them (2 from EoP, 1 from TLP)
i'd say best sat trip since last week when we slapped fi out of the wilderness
unfortunately for the alliance you can't cancel the wilderness that is unless people wanna go down the fi 2009-2011 road and cancel their trips for 5v5 inners
I can use the exact same thing that you just said, I saw Chris (Addy Daddy) getting connection lost every single time he would join Fatality Teamspeak. I do not remember in the war having 12 EOP just drop instantly. Stop being idiotic and man up. It is clearly someone important ie. a leader or rank or this all would stop. I think it is absolutely stupid that EOP is now seeking attention making these topics. @Legend Goop gave away IP's and he was the ******* GOD of your clan for years. He still represents your clan and can access leaderboards. There was a topic proving all of our members getting hit off lol. Go find it or something. Goop was the so called god of our clan in like 2010. 2011-most of 2012 he wasn't even around, and that is when we were made out to be who we are today. Just as you can say you saw Addy Daddy get hit off over and over again I can say 12 people in EoP were hit off. I blatantly pointed out that we've been retaliating to everything this entire pure community does to us. I know you've fallen in love with Walli or whatever the **** you were on about on TS a few months ago, but you don't have to be exactly like him. ie: slander EoP without any proof to convince the masses Congrats though Santana, you win. I cba arguing with someone like you.
Heard you got raped today I read this and absolutely face palmed. Nothing else need to be read. Your argument is invalid Tell me who ddos's in EoP inb4everyone I hear Mr. Tayyab has QUITE a nice botnet. Oh Tayyab? You mean the guy that retired? @Elder aka rarely plays. Saw Tayyab on your Teamspeak yesterday. Explain how all of FI's ranks got booted off in your fullout. Everyone hates EOP as your propoganda is currently claiming so it must not have been another clan wanting you to win. Explain please. Explain to me how they were all hit off when on THEIR OWN VIDEO of the full out there was constant calling all the way through. You're saying random rumors that don't hold any water. Provide some proof. We had 12 people hit off at the same time during that full out, and I remember seeing them all get hit off at the same time personally.
Heard you got raped today I read this and absolutely face palmed. Nothing else need to be read. Your argument is invalid Tell me who ddos's in EoP inb4everyone I hear Mr. Tayyab has QUITE a nice botnet. Oh Tayyab? You mean the guy that retired? @Elder aka rarely plays.
I read this and absolutely face palmed. Nothing else need to be read. Your argument is invalid Tell me who ddos's in EoP inb4everyone
That kid hacked 3 of our members for 40+ Defense. Quite like when your clan hacked Solo for 40+ Defense. Goop is not a rank. Your clan made us out to be such a bad clan. We are not as bad as anyone else in this aspect, and most of our clan gets hit off daily. Including myself. (Oh but I guess that's just us hitting ourselves off.) We've been joking about it for months, but the pure community is too daft to get the jokes, and take it all seriously. Refer to signature. We never tell our members we were cheated out of the win. Our Leader didn't call a much needed push when it was vital to win. Every EoP member knows this, whether a couple decide to admit it or not. "The only retaliation you've been doing is as a response to getting slammed ingame, and since that won't stop any time soon I doubt the ddosing will." Correct me if I am wrong but didn't we **** on you this Saturday? Yes. Yes we did.
I don't know anyone in EoP that even ddos's. Some ranks (who actually aren't even ranks anymore) leaked ip's, but it's not like EoP were hitting them off. This entire time we've been retaliating to the mass ddosing toward us. We didn't have forums for an entire week because of this ****. I don't think you understand how many people in other clans just ddos us daily. It all just gets pinned on us when someone dc's because no one has ever liked us. Fatality was slumped for many years because of us. Obviously any disconnections in their clan will be blamed on us. NME are just a bunch of butthurt Epidemic kids that hated us for ending them. MM hate us because we were rivals for #1 for a good year, and obviously they're going to blame us for anything. It's the same story everywhere. We're hated, and any time there's a ddos to anyone it's us. We've been ddosing ourselves too according to NME, so I guess we just don't deserve to have another chance. We may as well just close, as we're too nh for this community /strong sarcasm
I posted a topic a few months ago showing all the ddos/hacking related things that members (mostly ranks) of every pure clan have done over the past few years it got deleted
The reason this won't work is that I can't see many clans organizing fights with you in the wild if they know they're going to be outpulled and lose. Will be interesting to see if anyone takes you up on a P2P run-in, as for f2p i'm sure we'll set something up soon.
>inu >alex >dog >thismakesnosensehiInu! > Andy Ibeat > Ibeat what > Obvious answer ***** > Perverted Freak >Inu >In-u > :3 Gatorade Is it In-u? was all just a bit of fun until mm used it as an excuse to not fullout us, didn't think any clan was going to go that far lol. Once people see pictures such as this floating around forums and condoned by ranks of clans, people are immediately going to come to the conclusion that your clan initiated the DDos attacks. It also gives them a nice scapegoat to blame all the lost connections on when you're so willing to accept it, even as a joke. It's how I see it as a neutral party. That picture is a week old, we've been the scapgoat for a lot longer than that lol. I doubt anyone outside of MM believes for a second thats the real reason they withdrew anyway. >eop never won a fullout >mm won 8 straight afraid to fight eop who just lost to fi and fi just lost to cp shows how close eop are to #1! makes me wonder why you didn't fullout us then
>inu >alex >dog >thismakesnosensehiInu! > Andy Ibeat > Ibeat what > Obvious answer ***** > Perverted Freak >Inu >In-u > :3 Gatorade Is it In-u? was all just a bit of fun until mm used it as an excuse to not fullout us, didn't think any clan was going to go that far lol. Once people see pictures such as this floating around forums and condoned by ranks of clans, people are immediately going to come to the conclusion that your clan initiated the DDos attacks. It also gives them a nice scapegoat to blame all the lost connections on when you're so willing to accept it, even as a joke. It's how I see it as a neutral party. That picture is a week old, we've been the scapgoat for a lot longer than that lol. I doubt anyone outside of MM believes for a second thats the real reason they withdrew anyway.
was all just a bit of fun until mm used it as an excuse to not fullout us, didn't think any clan was going to go that far lol.
not the only thing but yes we are pretty good at it B)