idk what you're laughing at, you look just like him.
No need to idol me rookie, you reply to every topic or post I make. Settle down and shelter yourself under Loki's wing. Don't bother replying peasant. <span class='tooltiptrolol'><img src='' /><span>thumbsup</span></span>
zzz no i just like upsetting u
just like zack did to u in havoc lmfao
back to daddy kyle ***** boy
btw still doesnt change the fact u look like tayyab
Not sure if you're illiterate but I'm not in foe. Only rookies are ignorant and are unaware of what really happened. Silly rich ;p
Back to riding the Mighty stallion horse **** <span class='tooltiptrolol'><img src='' /><span>thumbsup</span></span>
Not sure if you're illiterate but I'm not in Havoc. Only rookies are ignorant and unaware of what really happened. Silly Halloween ;p
I could go on and on about how I'm in TLP and Loki hates TLP, which makes no sense why you even bring up Loki's name. I guess we know who the true rider of the stallion is.
I could go on and on about how you could beat somebody in a game, and still get trolled out of a clan, and how everyone knows Kyle sent you to leach off of NPO because foe is in a 2 month slump and getting dicked by clans as bad as EOP.
Or how you're the biggest **** rider in the pure community, when you were in Havoc you never mentioned outrage, but now that you need a rank in NPO to continue leaching for Kyle, you decided to make a post about outrage and how much you loved it.
Anyway, I'm getting off of my computer now. If at any time you're feeling ballsy enough to come talk, I'll be in Havoc ts later :)
Hopefully big bad Zack won't make you cry again.
You idolized Loki, not much to say after realizing it when I first joined. Now that Loki isn't giving you attention I guess you're trying to retrieve some from me o_O? You talk about my rs history like you actually talked to me, but hey I guess wanting to get to know me would lead to you idolizing me ^_^. Not much left to say after I put you on your back in Havoc. Don't worry, no need to embarrass yourself anymore. I pity you ;p, as Loki would say "Punished :P." You're lucky I'm even replying to the inferior type of trolls on the net like yourself, maybe after reading this you will finally realize and accept the fact that you're not on my level nor deserving of my wisdom and enlightenment. Continue to skip along now, and Loki you're a noob.