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Sunday, December 18th, The Last Pures massed up peaking at around 45 members for our scheduled P2P PK Trip, maintaining strong numbers throughout all of our trip, we made the best out of it. Huge thank you to Mayhem Makers for letting us use their TeamSpeak, read below to find out our action packed Sunday went.
Coming soon. The Last Pures vs Corrupt Pures vs Enemy
Got word of a fight going on around GDZ while standing near single strip, potted up and hit anything and everyone not in our friends chat clearing it with ease. The Last Pures vs Corrupt Pures
After clearing anything around the GDZ in the world we received, we made our way back into single, hopping, looking elsewhere for action we were quickly sent back to the first world when we heard Corrupt Pures had mossie'd up to the vents area and were lurking in multi, we rushed in clearing the few that stayed in multi and the ones in single, eventually pushing them all the way northeast around 15 levels down. Thanks for the fight. The Last Pures vs We Are Royalty vs Corrupt Pures
Our scouts found another clan near the mossies/vents area, this time it happened to be We Are Royalty, we rushed the few in multi, and killing the ones in single, eventually, similar to our last fight, pushing them down several levels until they cleared, Corrupt Pures then popped up so we killed them too pushing them inside what is now a narrow gap (se steps) then getting a fall in and leaving. The Last Pures vs Eruption of Pures
With Eruption of Pures nowhere to be seen, we kindly asked the red dragon gate cape seller where Eruption of Pures had last been seen, and to our surprise we heard of them running around dwarfs, we potted up rushing them full force and annihilating them within minutes and later remassing for 20 minutes, only to find themselves ending with 26 people, better luck next time. The Last Pures vs Zenith
Most clans had ended, and with Zenith being the only clan out, we decided to stop by and say hi. They had around 30 compared to ours, so we quickly sweeped them up, walked down, ending our action packed Sunday.
Thanks to all of you for the fights, merry Christmas and happy new year.