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Everything posted by Adrian-

  1. Could say the same about every topic you make attempting to be assuming, but meh.
  2. &hl=en_US&fs=1&">&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"> Was fun.
  3. Grats on your 20vs20 P2P win. Cronic #1.
  4. The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | Tlp Events History | About Tlp Wednesday October 12th 2011, The Last Pures massed up peaking at an impressive 40 members for our 30 minute F2P prep vs Intense Redemption. We were heavily outleveld and with our teamspeak constantly being ddos'd, we knew we set ourselves up for a challenge. :: Free to Play :: 1 Defence Maximum :: 3 Rounds :: Corrupts/Dung ON :: ALL SAFE ROUNDS :: Classic-Classic-Plateau Round 1 The Last Pures Starting: 29 Intense Redemption Starting: 29 The Last Pures Ending: 24 Intense Redemption Ending: 0 Round 2 The Last Pures Starting: 29 Intense Redemption Starting: 29 The Last Pures Ending: 25 Intense Redemption Ending: 0 Round 3 The Last Pures Starting: 31 Intense Redemption Starting: 31 The Last Pures Ending: 29 Intense Redemption Ending: 0 Thanks for the fights Intense Redemption, see you this weekend. Suscribe today!
  5. Puts FI at like 0-13 in P2P/F2P preps. Gj bros.
  6. Gotta uncharge those glorys and stop tabbing.
  7. I personally teleported at 50 ports, while I saw Dissy glory to edge from gdz hut.
  8. You're fine, just remember you're fighting one if not the best matched opts clan. :teehee: Was fun, thanks for the prep Zenith.
  9. Crashing our fight vs IR and getting cleared in single was their whole trip... the rest was most likely chilling in lobby. :confused:
  10. Just like....... nvm. Fun trip. :thumbsup:
  11. Yes, hence TLP's was just cleaned up. Thanks for the fights EoP, see you next weekend bros.
  12. Thanks for the fight EoP, see you next weekend.
  13. Sunday October 9th, 2011 The Last Pures went out and peaked at around 65 members for our weekly P2P PK Trip. Coming soon, to a Youtube near you. The Last Pures vs. Eruption of Pures To start off the day, we decided to pay our good old friends Eruption of Pures a visit, we quickly got a track on them north of ruins, got a north to south spread and started throwing our barrages and chins at their massive clumps pushing and tossing them all over the place, soon enough before we knew it, monk tops, adamant arrows and magic shortbows were laying all over the ground, at the same time Kill Orgy decided to crash from the north so we simply retreated south, got a fall in and left ending with a surprising amount of people. The Last Pures vs Intense Redemption After banking our monk top, magic short bow filled inventories, we got word of Intense Redemption lurking around new gate, had just got done with a fight versus Zenith or something, not sure what had been going on beforehand but we saw free loot and went for it, pushing through the gate and chasing them up to the portal until unfortunately the remaining few logged out. The Last Pures vs Intense Redemption We weren\'t done with Intense Redemption just yet, after hearing they were sitting in a nice little spread around dwarves, we hopped to their world and made our way up, rushing from the north with our staves and chaotic weapons held high, the fight began, we quickly wrapped around and started pushing them against the eastern lava line when we heard the almighty Eruption of Pures were making their way over, we pulled north leaving the few 15 Intense Redemption behind and headed towards north of gap, as we were waiting for a rush, our scouts noticed Intense Redemption and Eruption of Pures charging gap side by side spamming off each other, so a call was then made to pull west and log out. The Last Pures vs Intense Redemption Knowing there had been some communication between Eruption of Pures and Intense Redemption our last run in, we decided to re-pay Intense Redemption another visit, we found out they were at GDZ fighting some random mains, so hopped worlds, tele\'d up and joined in on the fun, sadly a few minutes after our arrival a call by an Intense Redemption official was made to log out wherever you were, we weren\'t going to let them slip away so we hopped with them, quickly got their world and cleared the rest, thanks for the fight. The Last Pures vs Eruption of Pures After chasing around the Eruption of Pures in a few worlds, we decided we weren\'t playing their games and got bored enough where we rushed them in singles, the fight didn\'t last very long as a repeat of our first one and a few minutes into the fight most were running to the dungeoneering bank or tele\'ing back to edge, respect to those who stayed and fought with empty charged glory amulets, although the fight was far from over, we got word there was a huge regroup at dungeoneering bank, where we got a fall in and rushed, after a hard, long 10 minutes of competing with Eruption of Pures\'s 10 man spam tower flames, the Last Pures came out victorious, but like I said, the fight was far from over, the Eruption of Pures made it clear they had, had enough and retaliated by attempting to a commence a different kind of battle, a battle they knew they could win. (14:06:14) <[EoP]Jonty> Y U NO HAVE TS (14:07:29) <[EoP]Jonty> l000000000000000l The Last Pures vs Havoc Before even starting our trip, we had heard Havoc had not had the brightest pull so we kindly set our eyes off them, but with most clans ending and our Teamspeak constantly being ddos\'d, we decided why not, hopped to their world and the fight began, eventually we cleared them, got a fall in and walked down, ending our action packed Sunday. Thanks to all of those who we fought today. Suscribe today!
  14. You had 18 ending, so actually it did :blush: Thanks for the fight, hopefully you guys will accept a f2p prep with team-capes on sometime so we can have a prep without the unfair advantage :thumbsup: Same amount of cloaks for both of us, let's not get too irrational here Jonty. :thumbsup: You should follow Milky and Solo's footsteps and simmer down a bit on these boards.
  15. Never got down to a 18 vs 18 but thanks for the fights. :blush:
  16. Thanks for the fights guys, all of TLP was watching your first fight vs IR going for you on TS. :thumbsup:
  17. Not many fights with other clans besides Z and EoP but the ones we had were fun. :banana:
  18. The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | Tlp Events History | About Tlp Friday, October 7th, 2011, The Last Pures massed up and peaked at around 45 members for F2P PCL. Video thanks to Martin|Marty Video thanks to Travis|Mayhem Video thanks to Josh|Gwuz Video thanks to Zach|0mgi0wnu23 The Last Pures Starting: 39 Zenith Starting: 34 The Last Pures Ending: 35 Zenith Ending: 0 Runescape hats off to Zenith for fighting us outnumbered. The Last Pures Starting: 35 Zenith Starting: 35 The Last Pures Ending: 31 Zenith Ending: 0 The Last Pures Starting: 35 Eruption of Pures: 35 The Last Pures Ending: 18 Eruption of Pures Ending: 0 The Last Pures Starting: 36 Eruption of Pures: 34 The Last Pures Ending: 35 Eruption of Pures Ending: 0 Thanks for the fights to all who we fought today, and see you this weekend. Suscribe today!
  19. Well.... we aren't the only losing a fight in P2P, this one was us outnumbered however.... http://www.pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20964
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