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I p0tt3d 4 u

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Everything posted by I p0tt3d 4 u

  1. Like everyone else said, when they throw on tank gear, throw on your mage gear, they'll almost always switch back to mage or range gear, then spec them if they don't freeze them and hit and run them lol
  2. Is that directed to yourself? cuz we don't need to rebuild LOL. The funny thing is we don't call main clans for back up when our clan is slumping :/ [16:09:19] <[EoP]Matt|Pepe> TLP were giving you locs today [16:09:23] <[EoP]Matt|Pepe> were they not? [16:09:59] <Die_Nub_Plz> they had the locs [16:10:06] <Die_Nub_Plz> they pm'd me what side of the fight you were on [16:10:21] <Die_Nub_Plz> gdz/ng/south of gap hey buddy, get acquainted with those BH stairs, your partner Havoc loves to spend trips in the lobby near there, you need to learn to work with them because you'll need all the help you can get come next sunday TR+TLP=Greatest Pure Clan Union of all time
  3. Wow dude..>Sick freaking pull You guys stay consistent with these huge pulls. GJ today
  4. Sounds alot like what you did today.
  5. Welcome to Floor two of BH NE Stairs Sir Havoc, Have a nice day and thank you for riding the Lobby Wheelchair Lift.
  6. Nice KDR, we didn't call KO, and nor did we avoid you, we were hunting you the entire time and you kept dipping and having little backstab fights at edge Don't flame when your facts are incorrect.
  7. Don't think you killed a single TLP member, honestly..I don't even remember you crashing. I kind of remember you guys sitting in single at mossies and trying to pick off returners from our NME fight
  8. lots of fun today; thanks for the fights NME Respect, see you tommorow!
  9. awesome day guys, so much fun, nothing but respect to NME; Thanks for the run ins, see you around
  10. Respect for the wars guys!! Fun today
  11. Excuse me But when you crashed our fight, you killed maybe...1 person No ranks
  12. Yer and we didn't have to sit in single to do it either or kick all of ours apps :whistling: uhh and neither did we We hit NME/Z the whole trip Don't flame bait. GJ FOE
  13. The flame on this topic wasn't really coming from TR, it was a TLP/EOP issue. Always is; I don't mean this as flame bait, but I can't see how EoP can consistently start drama on any PCL events concerning TLP when they don't even go to PCL themselves. Good job TR; sorry for the bickering on every damn thread in this section.
  14. In all fairness, the "Join a real clan today spam" is highly unncessary, because from my stand point when you don't match opts and go +15 vs a clan but 36 out of 48 of your opts in that match die, then you truly need to be more humble, your numbers won you this PCL event. Be more humble next time around
  15. oooh; one of the very few prep..err..extended minis? Done on that map..the one that I don't even know the name of because it's so seldom used around here.
  16. GJ FOE EoP whens our chance for a prep :)?
  17. Also; not to discredit either of which clan But from personal experience and I guess some bias; I'd rank FOE and TLP higher than TR; considering one, that until either clan or any clan can mass a 50+ pull and have a proper full out it's just going to be one big mini most of the time; both clans TR and FOE are very good, I give credit to TR for having a powerful member list of skilled 100+ pures who pose a huge threat in minis and low pull preps, but FOE is FOE and by that standard I believe when it comes to pulls above 30 they still are one of the best Matched preps and TR is not; this is subject to change; once I see TR prep us and not just fight us in a mini, then I'll accredit them more, no offence to TR whatsoever Point being, no clan other than EOP(with their huge ml) seems to pull very well this past month and thats more many reasons, whether school or the holidays alot of people aren't active as they are during the summer and breaks, so my notion is that this upcoming winter break we settle this with real matched preps of 50+ opps Between tlp vs tr, tlp vs foe, foe vs tr, so forth. Truly establish the number one matched ranked amongst pure clans good luck to all, and great job to both clans on this prep and all future preps good luck
  18. Why is that every single topic involving either FOE or TR we get flamed in inadvertedly;even if we have nothing to do with their prep let alone their clan somewhere someone compares that clan to being better or worse than us; truly if you want to establish the best matched prep clans then you're more than welcome to prep us And keep you comments about not being able to pull 30+ or being scared, or all those childish remarks for later. It means one thing to make a meme saying tlp won't prep and it means another to actually come on our irc and message our leaders asking for a prep and before you say you have asked, I can vouch and say, I've seen you ask, but I've never seen you come in a time that anyone is ACTUALLY AROUND, you guys come at like 1am EST asking for preps when no rank is around to accept them or talk details. Just my two cents
  19. Thanks for the prep today Zenith; good fight, it was tons of fun Z down; Tribulations next
  20. they wont accept All on? So everyone can be popping sol specs?? lmfao
  21. P2P or F2P prep us????????????????
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