Intense Redemption
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Mii D Sc 1m's video of cluster
Table of Contents
I Intense Redemption (+ Eop) vs Carnage + Epidemic + Destructive Pures
II Intense Redemption (+Eop) vs Carnage
This Sunday was a fairly decent trip for IR, peaking at 71 (With about 10-15 Eop), and ravaging the clans we came in contact with. Our first fight, we were teamed by 3 clans, and still managed to push all 3 back before being rushed by Foe and Dv, and the second fight was a single fight with Carnage at Chaos altar. But without further ado, here's our Sunday.
Intense Redemption v Carnage + Epidemic + Destructive Pures
Intense Redemption Starting - 71
Carnage Starting - 60
Epidemic Starting - 45 (Please confirm)
Destructive Pures Starting - 50 (Please confirm)
This fight started originally as one of our scouts found out Epidemic was trying to track us, so we spread and prepared to fight. However, as they rushed from the West, Dp rushed from the East, and Carnage rushed from the South. IR however stood our ground, and pushed all clans back before being rushed by Foe and Dv.
Intense Redemption Ending - 45
Not sure the ending opts of the other clans after Foe + Dv rushed in
Intense Redemption vs Carnage
Intense Redemption Starting - 45
Carnage Starting - 40 (Please confirm)
This was near the end of our trip, when our opts had dwindled down significantly. We were bored, and heard from a scout Carnage's world. We quickly hopped, and found them at Chaos Alter, where the fight began.
Intense Redemption Ending - 41
Carnage Ending - 0
Gf to all clans, and thanks to all IR members (And the Eop members) that showed up!