Intense Redemption
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Table of Contents
I Intense Redemption v Fatality
II Intense Redemption v Final Ownage Elites v Devastation
III Intense Redemption v Carnage v Destructive Pures
All pictures can be found at the bottom
This weekend had a lot in store for Intense Redemption, as we found out quickly during the trip. We pulled a massive amount of people, which allowed us to take on, arguably, the over-all clan in the pure world right now, Foe. Before any flame occurs, I would like to post this, so everyone can see it.
(17:41:30) <Reilly> yep
(17:41:32) <Reilly> basically
(17:41:33) <Toxic> no real winner really
(17:41:34) <Reilly> was a great fight
(17:41:37) <Toxic> we wont claim it expect you guys not to either
(17:41:43) <Reilly> deal
We did not win, but we also did not lose. We held our own against one of the best pure clans in RuneScape right now, which undoubtedly means, there's no where but up for IR ;).
We would also like to make this statement - YES we had Eop and A - Combined they added up to 15-17 people. Which means IR alone pulled well over 55. We allowed some Eop + A members to come, because they weren't planning on having a trip, and they asked to tag along. ANXIETY IS NO LONGER A CLAN, AND ANY "AX" MEMBERS YOU MAY HAVE SEEN WERE THERE BECAUSE THEY HAVE ALREADY APP'D FOR IR.
Now, let the massacre begin.
Intense Redemption v Fatality
Intense Redemption Starting
Fatality Starting
This fight was swift, and over within a minute. One of IR's scouts got the location of Fi, who happened to be near Bh. Luckily enough however, this was a PvP world and we were able to chase Fi up the stairs, and finish them all up fast and effectively. Great fight Fi.
Intense Redemption Ending
Fatality Ending
Intense Redemption v Final Ownage Elites
Intense Redemption Starting
Final Ownage Elites Starting
60 (Confirm please)
This fight, undoubtedly, was one of the most epic PKRI's in IR's history. This fight showed that IR can compete with the best of the best, and that we are rising, and we are going to keep on rising until we're successfully on top of every other mid-level clan that currently tries, unsuccessfully, week after week, to track us down and kill us.
The actual fight started just South of the graveyard, with us spreading as Foe rushed in. As people died, the fight slowly started to make it's way to Bh, however, and the majority of the fight commenced up there. Pushes were made gradually by both clans, but none truly successful. At one point, Devastation tried to crash the fight, but while running up the stairs were quickly barraged by IR and died swiftly ^_^ . In the end, a lot of mains ended up crashing and picking off high levels from both clans, and IR started to regroup in clan wars opposed to Bh, hoping to have a slight advantage when we made our final rush, but when we did rush in, Foe had hopped. In the end, both clans agreed the fight was to be nulled.
Intense Redemption Ending
Final Ownage Elites Ending
Intense Redemption v Carnage v Destructive Pures
Intense Redemption Starting
Carnage Starting
60 (Confirm please)
Destructive Pures Starting
60 (Confirm please)
This fight was probably the most complicated of the two. It first started with IR and C fighting just below Clan Wars, and about half way through Tlp rushed in, and hit C who was closest to Cw. Ir, fortunately, had time to run into Cw and avoid Tlp. Once Tlp left, however, Dp came and logged in behind the hut, and as they were clumped IR rushed in from the East, and wrecked most of them. However the fight was crashed once again by Mm this time, though unintentionally I'm sure. In the end, IR had the most opts left by far, and confidently claim the win of this battle.
Intense Redemption Ending
Carnage Ending
10ish (In Clan Wars)
Destructive Pures ending
20ish (In Clan Wars)
Thank you to the 15 Eop + A members that also attended, it was much appreciated.
Please keep this topic flame free.