ok so your saying foe, eop, tlp, cp all allowed 30 def to keep them from closing? you're delusional
I'm not trying to flame or flame bait or anything because this topics actually pretty good, but putting EOP/FOE in the same "group" as CP isn't correct.
EOP and FOE have proven that they can be consistently top clans without addy, FOE wear robes on trips and have shown that when they can be bothered they can smash #1 any time of the year. EOP have stopped wearing addy and even though they still got quite alot of mith, have proved that they can be consistently #1 without the use of 30 def armours and without actually relying on their defence to see them through the day.
Now, if CP, IR, Zenith, Venom et cetera stopped wearing addy there would be a dramatic decrease in clan strength in the wildy, which simply hasn't happened to EOP/FOE.
I don't think its a coincidence that the top 3 clans are all clans that don't use addy on PK trips (FOE/MM/EOP), the leaders are obviously good at what they do or their clans wouldn't be the 3 best in the community and they have realised addy isn't all its cracked up to be.
Personally I don't care if the clans my clan compete with wear addy/mith etc, we still have fun and even though we're all in robes/dhide we've proven we can step up and negate the addy/levels with a combination of organisation and numbers, which makes things very fun. Outside of all the trolling etc that my clan partakes in in terms of clans who have different defence requirements, I truly like that not all clans are the same and some accept mith, some accept addy, and believe that the respective leaders can run their clan however they wish
Sorry to Omni for hijacking the topic and sorry to anyone reading, the argument i presented above isn't very articulate and probably makes little sense but IM TOO TIRED AND ITS MY BIRTHDAY. Any clans mentioned, don't take it personally pls It really isn't intended that way in this particular instance
Now, to stay on topic
Above I explained clans can run themselves however they like but for the sake of discussion, I think 35 defence in particular is stupid, but clans will do whatever they can to get the edge on th tyeir opponents and quite rightly too. The general consensus is that Mith is "OK" when calling someone a pure, despite the obvious hardliners who don't call anything above 5/10 defence pure. However, with the influx of addy and the changing of the times I think calling this community a "Pure" community isn't correct, the pure clans that exist today are pretty limited (NME with the 10 def cap, MM, TH only accept 20 def I believe) and the other clans that accept addy and wear addy i wouldn't call pure clans, more like turmoil clans obviously inspired by the pure clans in the past.
TLDR; 35 defence isn't accepted by "pure clans" and they arn't "pures", its simply evolution of a community thats been around for 7 years
Everything you type brings the only sense to this website; PS, happy birthday :thumbsup: