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Everything posted by `Rage
this guy isn't cp saw vid myself, didn't see much of a crash, else i know for a fact they would've finished both clans off, not sure what the big deal was, we just know we killed 90% of dp ourselves with piling we had an ending opt picture, if u need me to upload it, i will, was left with 30+ Cp, again, let's not make up crap here guys also prediction lists are spam
Thought Bh was the greatest update ever, had a fun first day with Cp, 6 straight hours, god knows how many guys in rune we killed, we didn't give a **** about losing the wild lol and I still think the entire Bh-era stretch for us was the most fun, fast paced warring and great rivalry time for Cp ever But yeah eventually after that, when they took away worlds for bhing, it got bad but as you may/may not know we were a Bh clan and thought the wildy was a thing of a past before they took bh out aswell and had to work with PCL
Alright, here's how i see it, when u get ur ass pushed into clanwars, u lost , that's it, if you re-charge again in 5+ minutes(which ur vid was 8 minutes long in double speed i think), then that means that's pretty much a completely different and 2nd fight But that never happened, look at ur vid dude, u never even went to chaos alter where Cp was, u never even started that 2nd fight, mm crashed u guys, I think all eop was attacking was stragglers like usual that we had I love eop, russell, but cmon man, no offense, but u know me, i know how to argue and u cant tell me im lying because u know me better than other leaders do and I always say the truth Eop had 27 people, counted on drunk's right click on his vid, I think Cp had 35+, from what it looked like, it wasn't even a large skirmish to begin with, not really a big deal And if I was leading, I would've stayed to waste 20 minutes more to pick eop off who kept running in and out of clanwars because Drunk got tired of that, but i would've stayed there, just to prevent an argument or misunderstanding like were having now because no offense, that's all clans do now, the concept of loss is not even clear anymore To me, if u stay in clanwars, hugging around, camping back and forth clanwars, then the other clan doesn't have to waste their time finishing them completely off before they get bored and re-pray or something else like drunk had in mind But if u come back out in the 5 minutes or later i told u, then alright, round 2, set and go, but sadly, that never really happened That's my opinion because the other clan would know who's winning or losing in said situation when ur not doing anything offensively other than going outside and being piled, that's just not even fighting
made things worse, made some things better worse: lack of organization, lack of standards when they are abused, more difficult to recruit serious people better: probably lack of standards when not abused, freer atmosphere, no1's in a pressure to do anything, u just play the game, if its good then its good, if it's bad, then if you know how to lead, it's still going to be alright things really have dropped off, i mean, maybe its because im an old ass relic in terms of runescape age, it just really isnt as "dramatic" and feel good or feel bad, the feeling when u accomplish something, it's just non-existant, ive done everything u can name lol, my clan's done everything u can name to, and u just feel like its died down since you've had wildy to bh to pcl to pvp to bh to pvp and bh, who knows whats coming up next
Don't know, things will probably stay the same, i see some clans closing here and there As for Cp, this is probably the year we make the big decision since me, honey and drunk have 2 years left on our runescape contracts if u wanna call it that but, most likely and hopefully some new guys step up and make their mark This is probably the most stable we've ever been as a clan, i dont think ive ever lead a more patient and more loyal group of guys, so who knows how much more we can improve in the year to come
I really tried to sympthisize with Ir because the **** theyre doing now was sort've like how Cp was in the past, but damn, not even Cp went overboard with what they say here, and really, that was just a 2-3 month phase, where Ir probably to me, have done it for god knows how long I honestly have never ever seen anything more delusionary and completely rediculous, I mean, like you just wish they actually read what they're saying, it makes ZERO SENSE, it's complete PROPAGANDA that sadly is taken seriously And as much as they claim they dont care, they still come on here, respond to what most people say here I don't know man, to me, thats making the pure community ****, it's just going to get worse and worse, because I'm noticing other guys starting to feed off that type of crap and the pure warfare mods arent doing **** (even if this was PC no1 would think any1 was biased because that's how badly these guys deserve to be banned) Eventually it's not just gonna be the Ir members doing it, it's just going to be other guys from other clans getting into the whole blow up of not even serious e-drama Cmon man, if you're going to have e-drama, make it more entertaining than it is, geeze, u guys can't even get that right, I just remember how it was done back then and so do the other clans we had beef with do and we just laugh about it now But that's just me, my 2 cents, usually i'd make a topic but this is 2009 where u just lose all hope that people have a common sense and actually try to make this game fun rather than a negative thing day by day
lol implying people post lists here, good one :biggrin:
lol thanks, how about them giants huh? lol nah im playing, kentucky looks great though
Yeah, ty, that's all we wanted to get out of u guys, sorry but oh man, when u avoid posting on pc/pw, u think u would avoid being apart of a misunderstanding, but alright, that's explained and done
Alright, read what i told the other Dp guy, they were charging right at us before they fell in and got chased out by Dp We didn't log out, quit lying man, that **** really really bothers me, we fought u guys 30 vs 60 and gave u a decent fight and ok, it didn't work out, but atleast thank us for the fact we even tried Please lets not be arrogant and ignorant about what happened here That's the misunderstanding i wanted to clear up
Ok i'll give u that man but we had no advange though lol, Tlp came in like, when we had 10 people left, and it was 2 hours later so yeah we should fight when both clans are at their best and not when one clan isnt expecting the other to come along and give us a go
Sigh, alright, i'll be nice because im having a nice night, and say the reason they were saying "OFF" was because u guys basically interrupted what was a planned pkri between Tlp and Cp, did we expect Dp to come and serve as referees? No lol, that's all im gonna say because we never fought fairly As far as "keep it up cp", We'll keep being the mature clan in the pure community that doesn't do stupid **** to other clans that make the pure community ******* as it is, because that's what we'll keep preventing, and i don't know what's wrong with that at all bro
but u guys pretty much intercepted that fight, they were 1 second away from charging to us, had u guys been there a second later then u would've basically crashed that, so thats why im just saying it was a crash anyway even if it may have not looked like it We peaked at 65, didn't have a chance to fight Dp 1 on 1, so, im not gonna comment on "who was the better clan" in general unless u fight 1 on 1, u can't discount what would've happened so ill just say u may have had the better trip, but i wouldn't say u beat Cp at all today like u may have been claiming on the thread since we never fought and that's a misunderstanding i wanted to clear up
ok listen, we were fighting tlp, a nice 30 vs 30, u guys came in, intercepted TLP right before they charged us and made them run away, so we go behind the village, be who we are and just fight to get a fight and we actually put a damned good fight for a 30 vs 60 lol, had tlp came earlier we would've cleared u guys out together and we never even fought dp at one time 1 on 1, by all means, we were fighting Ir i believe, dp crashed that, i honestly dont remember at all when cp vs dp 1 on 1 happened tldr; dp crashed or should i say intercepted tlp, when cp had a planned pkri vs tlp, ty, TLP DIDNT CRASH ANYONE, so please, all im asking is, u don't make **** up about what happened with cp or any1 we fought
i dont know if ur still eop, but c'mon man, atleast give some credit to your own clan lol
Lol so uh, i mean, did any clan even get a fair fight man? I don't know what to make of the entire day because i honestly don't think any clan had a 1 on 1 fight period, even if it was a 1 on 1 fight, sum1 probably crashed right after? Well uh, hopefully all that cools down next weekend
disregard that, dp crashed that run-in too
what a day huh lol, couldn't get a single fair fight, well were fighting tlp now, i guess that'll have to do for now
I dont think i'd reopen a clan, nowadays its just in bad taste, specifically in this era, it's just useless and it just seems to me everything we do now will never ever be as great, new and interesting as it was in the past Personally that's how i see it, doubt we will see a major breakthrough or a truly succesful comeback ever again
i like the very small italics on the bottom right lol
No offense bro, but that seriously is a few months too late for you guys to finally say that @ Ir you guys got yourself into this whole mess, as for me, i'd have stayed quiet and not worry about a clan that might actually crash your **** everyday from now on and worry about making yourself better As for E, cool stuff, I'd probably do the same if I was as bothered as you guys feel out to be, but nah, I wouldn't waste my time with a clan like that who would say **** and talk **** about you when you know what the truth is, I'd ignore it and look ahead at the more important things of a clan, since we were in that same exact situation with you know who, and look at what happened to them and look at what happened to us
And as I just read to you my children, that's how the pure community died officially
before i go to sleep, this is why i love football and the colts, 18-1, 38-34, 4th and 2, 35-34, etc. gg pats
doesn't make ur clan look so formidable, but if u gotta do what u gotta to "improve" somehow then it's excusable, just wouldn't say too much if u manage to win some fights