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Huge Rush
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Everything posted by Huge Rush
coz in with the ko.
MM didnt enter f2p because they knew they would lose, idk if they will enter p2p because they know they will lose. Matched opts MM just cant compete. All very well being gud in edgy but who gives a **** when this fight is as a clan? End of the day a 30 def pure clan will be the ones with the sigs and MM will be redfaced out of the top 3.
ite will doooo. I never said MM had an advantage in 1 defense, im just wondering why the rest of the pure community should be brought down to the low quality level of MM because they choose not to get 30 defense. Idk why MM always want curses off. We have never had a 99 def cap war its always been max 30 thanks and thats because 30 is pure and 99 isnt. Would have thought that was obvious :P In any case TLP has found that some main clans arent really a challenge in clanwars, like HF and another who i cant remember, however others like KO are. As a clan TLP really does compete with mains, fighting KO in midweek pkri's and holding their own. It is telling that MM have to team with clans like HF in order to compete!
I still don't understand this stupid logic you retards have behind 35 def. The pure community allows 35 defense. 35 defense is higher than one defense. There are certain advantages that come with 35 defense: Turmoil, Handcannon and higher combat level. Not to mention the increased gear bonuses and ease of play generated by a higher defense level. Given all these bonuses and the fact that its widely accepted in the pure community, why not get it? Refute my logic if you can. Why not get 40? It's only 1-2 combat levels. And by pure community, do you actually consider yourself pures? I think FI, FOE, TLP, Z, NME, EOP, NPO, IR, POP and a few others would all consider themselves pure, yes.
Having accepted i wouldnt back out, would just be stupid, because there is a chance that i get lucky and win. Ontop of that your acc build is exactly what im going for on my stormer atm so it would b fun to fight. But there is point for 30 def...Pure clans accept it, and in the pure world it rapes. Sorry but that is irrefutable. If you could compete with 30 def accounts then there would be no need for rules, but the problem stands that you just cant, hence the rules put on this tournament. Just take a break now and fight m3h :) wont take long im sure.
Bearing in mind that you lose either way. Your point about MM not struggling to compete will be invalid, given that this fight will show that the greater you def is the eaiser the win is, and if, in the unlucky circumstance, you lose to me, it will just show you are a bit of a retard.
come arena then ;o
I would only use my stormer because its a better account build. But i wouldnt expect you to want to fight storm. It does rape zerks pretty hard :(
Ite lets fight on pure vs main ;) w 23 duel arena.
I still don't understand this stupid logic you retards have behind 35 def. The pure community allows 35 defense. 35 defense is higher than one defense. There are certain advantages that come with 35 defense: Turmoil, Handcannon and higher combat level. Not to mention the increased gear bonuses and ease of play generated by a higher defense level. Given all these bonuses and the fact that its widely accepted in the pure community, why not get it? Refute my logic if you can.
I have access to 2 maxed zerks and that i could, but dont pk on. Also have a stormer if you wana fight me on that? If you do wana fight then we can go w 23 now duel arena. But i would prefer a sportsmans bet. Goodluck if you choose to accept. TLP does midweeks most days and pk's together as a group. I did not join a clan to pk in single all day i joined to pk in multi, thus, that is what we do. Ask most people in TLP what i used to wear to PCL [the only true test of a clan's full ability] and they will all say for about 2 months all i brought was full vesta + vls + morrigans. None of my accounts have bad stats. All of them will rape yours. Will be happy to test that hypothesis in w 23.
Sorry but i really have to disagree with the previous post. Not "ruining" our accounts is a matter of perspective. The fact that our accounts are better geared, with higher combat averages shows that, far from ruining our accounts, we have made our accounts much higher quality than yours. I have to say in the past couple of preps with MM, TLP has used MM's rules; Addy gloves and Turrets. This is why, when i saw the rules of this tournament, i was hilghly sceptical about its impartiality, as 2 of the cornerstone rules were 2 rules that MM has insisted on having the last few times we have fought them. Indeed, the last time TLP ranks approached MM for a p2p prep they asked for Mith gloves... idk if this was a troll or a comment on the quality of the bulk of MM's members (do not all of them have addy gloves?). I have said it before and i will say it again; I am the proud owner of a maxed turmoil account with 99 attack (109+11 combat) I find it easy to pk on. Your arguement is largely based on the asertion that people want to use the wildy, currently I, and many other people, have huge trouble with lag, screen freezes and java crashes, brought on by the **** jagex game engine and find it impossible to pk. Not to mention the looters, dicers and 1 itemers that make wildy, and the areas around wildy almost completely unusable. The fact that MM has the highest number of kills is admirable but irrelevant. There is no kills in clanwars counter, but if there were such a thing i would site that, saying that some people enjoy using their maxed gear for the betterment of their clan, not just rag gear for personal gain.
whats wrong with the rules? honestly wtf can u change? whenever any clan gets a miniwar/prep, THESE ARE THE EXACT RULES they set. yes gotcho, even tlp always use these rules(ok just cuz they break them 100% of the time doesnt mean they dont initially have these rules) only twist is its dangerous for obvious reasons. /rageacquiredafterreading3postsfromgotchoonfirst3threadsireadonpwtoday notflameeitherstatingfactsiwillsupplypicsoftlpcheatinginminis/prepsifnecessaryihavetonsofthem Tidious having to make sure everyone isn't wearing a defender/body body/or rune gloves. How is that any different than making sure every1 isn't wearing zuriel's with slay helms? I stopped reading after that l0l. Seeing how body bodys/rune gloves and addy defenders are used at 1 def clan preps, yes people are going to want to bring it, how are you comparing it to slayer helms and full zuriels lmao. like i said, tlp always breaks the rules. I have no idea why. And again Why are addy defenders allowed but morrigan body isnt? If every1 used morrigan body would it make it ok? please refrain from going full retard on me b/c i hate explaining things over again You've got to be kidding me or you just don't attend clan wars events. Fi, Foe, Z, NPO, IR, any clan besides MM uses these items at 1 def preps. So because you want to be the black sheep we are the ones that have to adept? And you said that everyone needs to be mature for a hour of their day for the greater good when MM are the only ones that ***** about body bodys and rune gloves, more like satisfying MM's desire to compete. The only disadvanteges MM faces are the ones you limit yourself too. Amen.
I can read thanks, but the majority of the clanning world is not from 2001 and their accounts are very recent. This is the majority of people in the majority of clans we are talking about. This tournament is put together by the body that is supposed to represent pure clans. If they were to only represent the people who's accounts were created in '01 it would be a very small proportion of the community. If thats what you want then i guess your going about it the right way.
whats wrong with the rules? honestly wtf can u change? whenever any clan gets a miniwar/prep, THESE ARE THE EXACT RULES they set. yes gotcho, even tlp always use these rules(ok just cuz they break them 100% of the time doesnt mean they dont initially have these rules) only twist is its dangerous for obvious reasons. /rageacquiredafterreading3postsfromgotchoonfirst3threadsireadonpwtoday notflameeitherstatingfactsiwillsupplypicsoftlpcheatinginminis/prepsifnecessaryihavetonsofthem Tidious having to make sure everyone isn't wearing a defender/body body/or rune gloves. How is that any different than making sure every1 isn't wearing zuriel's with slay helms? I stopped reading after that l0l. Seeing how body bodys/rune gloves and addy defenders are used at 1 def clan preps, yes people are going to want to bring it, how are you comparing it to slayer helms and full zuriels lmao. like i said, tlp always breaks the rules. I have no idea why. And again Why are addy defenders allowed but morrigan body isnt? If every1 used morrigan body would it make it ok? please refrain from going full retard on me b/c i hate explaining things over again All clans apart from MM accept 30 def. When 30 defense a few staples are needed: addy defenders, rune gloves and bodybodys. Hence; because they are such staples in members' gear they are allowed into minis. The fact that MM doesnt have them just means they are badly geared. Also MM accepts 20 defense, 20 def pures can have rune gloves, the fact that most of your members arent 20 defense doesnt figure as you do accept 20 defense so potentially your members could get it, however its their choice not too. As every pure clan has the potential to use rune gloves, why bring everyone down to the scum level of MM's 70 combat baby pures? Like i said The reason MM doesn't ruin their accounts is that we actually(believe it or not) still like to pk. There are some members who don't pk and destroy their account for the clan and get rune gloves, but that is just a select few(rarely is it ever a new member). Allowing rune gloves/addy defender/body body in a 1 defence cap only promotes the idea that ruining your account is good. On MM forums, you are encouraged to not ruin your account; if some1 makes a topic saying "should i ruin my account for the clan", every single person votes no. Where as on other forums, when the same topic is made, the majority is yes. MM = Majority Pkers every1 else = majority stays in clan wars and for ur mods if you actually read all of this u can tell im just not pulling flames out of my ass, it's da truth. if da turth hurts, so be it. But you have the option to get 20 defense but you dont. Thats your choice not anyone elses, still stands that you can get rune gloves its just your choice to not get them, so why shouldnt tournament rules include rune gloves.
whats wrong with the rules? honestly wtf can u change? whenever any clan gets a miniwar/prep, THESE ARE THE EXACT RULES they set. yes gotcho, even tlp always use these rules(ok just cuz they break them 100% of the time doesnt mean they dont initially have these rules) only twist is its dangerous for obvious reasons. /rageacquiredafterreading3postsfromgotchoonfirst3threadsireadonpwtoday notflameeitherstatingfactsiwillsupplypicsoftlpcheatinginminis/prepsifnecessaryihavetonsofthem Tidious having to make sure everyone isn't wearing a defender/body body/or rune gloves. How is that any different than making sure every1 isn't wearing zuriel's with slay helms? I stopped reading after that l0l. Seeing how body bodys/rune gloves and addy defenders are used at 1 def clan preps, yes people are going to want to bring it, how are you comparing it to slayer helms and full zuriels lmao. like i said, tlp always breaks the rules. I have no idea why. And again Why are addy defenders allowed but morrigan body isnt? If every1 used morrigan body would it make it ok? please refrain from going full retard on me b/c i hate explaining things over again All clans apart from MM accept 30 def. When 30 defense a few staples are needed: addy defenders, rune gloves and bodybodys. Hence; because they are such staples in members' gear they are allowed into minis. The fact that MM doesnt have them just means they are badly geared. Also MM accepts 20 defense, 20 def pures can have rune gloves, the fact that most of your members arent 20 defense doesnt figure as you do accept 20 defense so potentially your members could get it, however its their choice not too. As every pure clan has the potential to use rune gloves, why bring everyone down to the scum level of MM's 70 combat baby pures?
granted, pure, that events team have put a hell of alot of work into this, and i really am grateful for the chance to fight. However if MM does what they usually do and completely disregard anything put on PW unless its to their own ends I really have no idea why you should pander to them so much. They have disrespected this organisation and its events several times in the past and ***** HARD if anything doesnt go their way. Really shows what type of people they are eh ;o
Yet again proving how mm bitching can impact on the rest of the clans. -addy gloves? lmfao. -all dangerous... really? -turrets... come on now.. also celtic you must not have mini'd in a long time, because everyone with a half decent unit uses bodybody's, rune gloves and addy defenders. If you dont like that then go get turm...ow8.
The Last Pures 6th year Anniversary trip ft Erryone
Huge Rush replied to its pibb's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
was a really awesome trip! -
Leader doesnt know what to do when apps leak..... hmmm idk maybe decline the app and tell them that you dont tolerate the leaking of ur clan's locs? idk just a thought....you must be a pretty terrible leader if you dont know what to do in that situation. Its ironic that you are crying about TLP calling cheap wins when your clan in this very topic claimed the very cheapest of wins off MM when its so clear (even from your biased videos) that they beat you. Dw m8 we will be open for many years to come, who knows maybe you will be too.... just depends how many clans fold in order to keep your paltry clan barely alive. 1 Thing, however, is certain, i am definitely not mad however it looks like you are <_< :rolleyes:
was a good trip.
We peaked at 72, which was more than TLP's anniversary pull with their ex-members/ranks, and probably a few invites...how does that make you feel bro? We got the whole clan world pretty much against us, yet we still do work and have fun....our pulls seem perfectly fine, if anything, you should be worrying about TLP's pulls, not ours....after all, you guys did cancel last saturdays trip due to poor numbers if im not mistaken? right? You peaked at 72 just after a clan closed into you.... it says alot about your memebers when your pull drops to 58 from 72 doesnt it?? commitment is strong i see. Unlike eop we invite nobody to our trips. Our event topics say "All TLP members and Applicants invited!" the mole wouldnt allow any invites in anycase. Nice to know what you will be doing at your anni then?? bit of ge Advertising???? Every 68 of our pull were quality members or applicants. That is more than i can say for your poor excuse of a clan. Even out numbering us you still refuse to fight, wheter that be at the rare occasion you come to PCL or in wildy. Keep to crashing. Its the only thing you can do without being completely flattened. Nobody even knows who you are kiddo, you haven't got the damn clue what your talking about. I highly doubt TLP went from a 40 pull of quality members, to a 70 pull of quality members just because of the anniversary, obviously some ex-members and ranks tagged along but thats fine.....and the whole of pot never closed into us, yeah we had some apps but it's not like it was the whole clan lmao, half of em are mains lol. We don't invite anybody to our trips either, we have the strongest core of members and thats how we win wars. Your clan has been pulling 40's for months, challenged us to a crash war, and pretty much got ******* merked every saturday....it came to the point where dissy made an apology post on clan leader forums here on PW lmao. You have no room to call us a poor excuse of a clan....as for being outnumbered and refusing to fight TLP, thats perhaps the most funny part of your post. For the last several months (saturdays especially), each time we rush TLP they either run, or log out to lobby. Go ahead, say that you guys only log to lobby because we outnumber you....it's not our fault we outnumber you....we got the same sized memberlist so if anything it's your fault that TLP is not able to pull enough to compete. Stop talking about our clans commitment of pulling 58 people during a particular fight, when yesterday was the first saturday TLP managed to pull 58 since god knows when. Better be unknown than be known for being a ****. There is no doubt that TLP had a 68 quality member peak this saturday and all of them were TLP members, applicants and Elders. Once again we dont invite random trash to our weekend trips. Obviously you do because the "few" members of pot who are now EOP apps were leaking so that pot zerks could come and fight with you. At no point did you attempt to stop them. No clan in their right mind would fight 40 vs 60. All you do is crash fights then wonder why people run hmm....something wrong??? If your members were at all commited you would be pulling significantly higher than any other clan given the number of clans that die into you. Nowhere do you mention the pot zerks or mains that always accompany your trips.
Mitch smells@!@!@!@!@ jk <3 ya gj HZ!
We peaked at 72, which was more than TLP's anniversary pull with their ex-members/ranks, and probably a few invites...how does that make you feel bro? We got the whole clan world pretty much against us, yet we still do work and have fun....our pulls seem perfectly fine, if anything, you should be worrying about TLP's pulls, not ours....after all, you guys did cancel last saturdays trip due to poor numbers if im not mistaken? right? You peaked at 72 just after a clan closed into you.... it says alot about your memebers when your pull drops to 58 from 72 doesnt it?? commitment is strong i see. Unlike eop we invite nobody to our trips. Our event topics say "All TLP members and Applicants invited!" the mole wouldnt allow any invites in anycase. Nice to know what you will be doing at your anni then?? bit of ge Advertising???? Every 68 of our pull were quality members or applicants. That is more than i can say for your poor excuse of a clan. Even out numbering us you still refuse to fight, wheter that be at the rare occasion you come to PCL or in wildy. Keep to crashing. Its the only thing you can do without being completely flattened.
Almost every month a clan closes into you and you still pull 58?? No idea how you manage to talk such trash when pot zerks and your cute main teams role with you. Cant even kill anyone when crashing l0l. Same ol' eop. **** as always.