VD Forums
Violent Demise v Conspiracy v Anguish + Vigilance + Insignia (X)
Today we set out with hopes of getting a fight with UB, but hearing they canceled their trip due to various reasons, we left early with 11 people, 30 minutes before our rivals Conspiracy and an hour before Vigilance, Anguish and Insignia (Who together called themselves "X"). We unsuccessfully hunted some clan who call themselves DB, until Cs came out. We had agreed to fight Cs hours before the trip started, and gave Chloe a world. We hopped to that world to find Cs waiting for us outside clanwars. We were heavily outopted but we had promised Cs a fight and with our levels/experience thought it was worth a shot, however X charged Cs as we were coming out north of clanwars. We charged into X and the fight began.
VD - 11
Cs - 18
X - ? 21 in pk channel.
VD - 8+
Cs - Unknown as both were using yellow capes however all were in clanwars.
X - Unknown as both were using yellow capes however all were in clanwars.
Fight pretty much was won by VD honestly. VD held the northern part of the fight with superior audio calling and in-game piling. Eventually, we pushed CS and X into CWA. After we clearly had pushed them into regrouping in CWA, we left the fight avoiding getting hit n run'd. However, it was a great cluster, enjoyable for all four clans.
E - Also to all Vigilance members about to post calling us crashers, first off we don't really care if we're known as crashers, and secondly you should have thought twice when you were about to rush two clans standing next to each other. Pretty obvious we were going to fight.
Violent Demise v Conspiracy
We ran into Conspiracy again five minutes later north of the Chaos Altar. We quickly cleared them. Too bad, we couldn't kill their leader, Chloe, as her amazing agility level let her escape from north of the portal all the way down to fog!
VD - 16
Cs - ? Confirm please.
VD - 8
Cs - 0
Violent Demise v Conspiracy + Anguish + Vigilance + Insignia (X)
After 10 minutes or so we ran into Conspiracy AGAIN, at the obelisk. Shortly after they are all dead/have ran, clan X rushes. Then Conspiracy rerush, and so on. This goes on for at least 20 minutes, which (although I am not saying we won, there was no winner) with the 13 people we had, against Conspiracy's just under 20 and X's around 20, is exceptional. By now Cs have left and there is about 5 Vigilance spread around obelisk and around 7 Violent Demise spread around obelisk, so we decided to leave.
Then, we later saw CS + X again, but this time teaming with their full opts against our 10ish? So it ended up four clans pushing us into CWA, and I guess our only loss of the day. After a successful day, we ended our trip.
Random Pics of The Trip:
Overall good day for Vd, hope too see everyone next Saturday too. If anything in this topic is inaccurate PM an op in #VD-Clan instead of flaming here like an idiot, can't really be bothered with it. I'll edit anything that's logically proven to me, instead of immaturely flaming without any logic to it.