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Everything posted by Adamant

  1. We've pmed you our times moron. Not intimidated by jokes in pvp. Thanks for acting tough. 2:30 PM EST is when we set out. Plan accordingly, I'll PM you our world no worries, or better yet I'll even leave our CC open for a bit for you guys. Imo, you're a cwa clan, we'll let our actions talk for us on saturday. Oh by the way, send better spies. Next time, don't send a random kid to app right after you rage after a loss L. You had a bot spamming the war, and an irc topic for a week. Nice pull, we weren't serious about sign-ups either. By the way, if someone afks out after the wall has dropped, we don't need to drop. I liked how when I tried to explain this to you in IRC, you somehow changed it to my social life.
  2. There's something wrong with her face that makes her not that hot. ANY1 AGREE?
  3. !yt zo rage quit - Did someone edit that? Nah, zo is just an idiot. I go off many things besides PC topics. Thank god you retired from PW, you seem like a moron. You seem mad IR doesn't get their way on PW despite Zo posting dumb propaganda. Wonder why, bro. Do you read what Zo actually posts or just suck up to usually fact-less, flame-filled crap posts? Curious. The zo rage quit is just another thing to laugh at.
  4. Why are you still so stupid? You always make yourself look like a joke. The first VD was 10x better than IR at that time(If IR was alive at that time, which I think is around the same time), even then you were a moron. When will you ever grow up? !yt zo rage quit before you respond please.
  5. Desperate for attention? F2P PVP 1. MM - By far 2. FOE - Consistency puts you over E for now. 3. E - A level ahead of the clans below you at least. Close to FOE if they can make their high pulls consistent. 4. DP - Improving vastly. Easily claimed this spot 5. CP - Good at f2p. 6. M - Not consistent pulls, but a decent clan nonetheless. 7. FI - Pulling out of your slump. 8. IR - You PK with other clans, and still had many losses. Therefore you deserve this spot in actual top clan list rankings. 9. TLP - Lack of Effort puts you here. Low pulls, nothing much. 10. DV - Bit of a slump compared to what you used to be. 11. C - Based on your ML n stuff. 12. MG - Why not 13. VO - I guess. Running out of clans tbh. 14. EOP - Living off IR atm, don't think you pull that much of IR's pull. 15. Ascendency - More of a community pure clan than an actual pure warring clan. Not much activity/independence so down here you go. 16. Exile - New clan, decent levels decent pulls for your ML I think. 17. VD - Ran out of clans, now to the lower tier of clans currently. Lack of opts, much better organization than below. 18. CS - Numbers, below mediocre organization in PVP. 19. UB - Inactivity so it seems, better organization than CS, but still around mediocre at best. 20. FE - All I know is you pked with CS so far. Nothing in pvp. New though. 21. AG - Mostly IR, use IR accs in trips and wars, probably will lose interest, seems like you have after a week or two. 22. OB - Idk anymore 23. I - Idk you seem to be living off CS atm. 24. AO - Only seen you mini. NICE FULL LIST. Probably left out someone. Didn't include country clans if there's any.
  6. Yo we might waste time just to come after you and FE. After all, FE's such an accomplished clan. Once again, if you can't take obvious sarcasm over the internet, you're a huge troll. I think dis is better den posting 5v5s.
  7. Oh hey guys. The #1 thing was sarcastic after UB repeatedly claiming #1 over a useless list acting like it was actually funny spamming it 500x and stuff. Sorry was an inside thing bros.
  8. Is EOP working up the chemistry to merge into IR? If you pk with each other every weekend, seems like a merge in my opinion. Overall 1. MM -Gap- 2. FOE -Smaller Gap Because FOE dominates E in p2p, but competes in f2p - 3. E 4. TLP 5. DP
  9. I don't get the immaturity of it. I get how you seem to like to be a creepa when I don't know who you are.
  10. Not my lobs sir. CWA fight against a clan that we have quite a lot of confidence we could tank with tuna. Thanks for finding something to troll about though!
  11. Violent Demise Forums|Violent Demise ML|#VD ^O hey notice in chat Kirbyownzyoo, what are you doing there fighting silly, you're in VO!!! Background: VD declared on UB, hoping for a fun war to improve our organization. Rules: Matched Opts, Overs On I believe, Clan Only, CWA since their leader couldn't afford to lose his pixels. Despite a lot of flaming, the war was enjoyable. VD won 2-1 despite apparently VO members attending a UB event! Round 1: VD Starting: 15/28 (Cut Down to 10) UB Starting: 10/49 ( :confused: ) VD Ending: 1/2 Idk UB Ending: 0 Round 2: VD Starting: 10 (Again cut down for them) UB Starting: 10 (One of them left after the wall went down, and they whined. Common knowledge after the wall drops, we're not dropping more. Blame it on your afking member) VD Ending: 0 UB Ending: 1 Round 3: VD Starting: 11 UB Starting: 11 VD Ending: 4 UB Ending: 0 Was disappointing we had to cut every round despite UB having a much larger ML to pull from. Pictures: Video: Ye if you are going flame, at least use logic please.
  12. Looked fun, cleared IR a lot from the looks of it.
  13. Are you really that dumb? How does it hurt to be #2 to a clan that has and is clearly #1 by far? It's not like Epidemic heavily outpulled MM or anything. And is your clan that desperate that your goal is to not let Epidemic get #1, but let them dominate you every weekend in f2p? You confuse me.
  14. There's not any anger. It seems quite immature to post a comeback that isn't related to the actual debate.. If EOP doesn't team with IR, there's a lot of clans that would walk over them. Therefore, when you team to avoid such a fate, you're not your own independent clan as you suggest. I can tell you're not very bright from previous talks with you.
  15. Rules of common sense. Do I need to explain further?
  16. Since when can you rank your own clan when you teamed with a clan bigger than you to compete? 1. MM 2. E 3. FOE
  17. Wasn't a big upset, but an upset. I thought that would be one of those let-down games teams have after so many wins. O Bill, why do you pull an Andy Reid type move in the clutch?
  18. Pretty much sums it up. Attention whores aren't funny.
  19. Msg'd you. VD doesn't have the biggest ML, but we're definitely stable. We keep open through our ups and down. The rest is in the PM
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