Today marked a rather interesting and enjoyable date on the calendars and memories for those of us here at Hostility. Not only have we reached the 5 month mark of our existence, we've also gone out and had one of the most fun/active trips we've experienced in a while. We knew we would not emerge with many people, but peaked an amazing 31 Lionpack Swag Jaguars ready to pounce into the wilderness. Shout out to alcher for his incredible speech, pumped us all up.
As we got our first location to smash into, we decided not to bank the entire trip. Not a single regroup or trip down to edgeville was called or taken before dismissal of the trip because we had several expeditions to engage on and there was not much time. Before I proceed, Thanks to the clans who went out today and ran from us. SPEECH TIME Video by Mustafa: Sick music and incredible footage mustafa, keep it up Video by Rolly: Intense vid rolly, extreme skills good job Video by Timi: Outstanding job, ruthless video as always babe Hostility Terminated Activation
To make it short, this first fight was a bit of a steamroll, as we'd ran out of non-Wilderness with a happy 29 pull (also leaving earlier than the majority of other clans), we utilized our wonderful friends in Activation and found them at mossies. We'd come around Gap and level 45 spiders down into mossies, and then logged into them at single. Upon logging in, A rushed into multi, which we took as opportunity to bind 3-4 of them from single and bang out before getting the fall in. Quickly organized, we rushed into the pimples of doom to find A scattered for no apparent reason and held the north side of vents and exchanged positions throughout the battle. Props to Activation for staying and fighting back, as they had a few more then us. Our amazing spamming and listening skills were too swagged out for A that they had to call off fighting and regroup at mossies. Thanks for the fight bvg, go kill yourself baby face longboarder. Hostility Terminated Exiled Force
Back from pushing A from vents to 35 ports, CP logged in and we called for a hop before they got anywhere near us. At this moment, we planned to keep our "why bank" theme active and continue to fight without food/potions of the strength. We logged into our grand childrens home world and met up with EF dding in non multi. After waiting for them to move into multi north east of pond at mossies, we ran straight through the tree and hopped over right into the lava. EF didnt seem to mind but didnt want to skinny dip with us so we got mad and began our launch of destruction. If you didn't want to come swimming with us, you shouldn't of taken off your clothing. Massive spam towers of Hostility names filled our screens and forced ef to click randomly into the lava as we got simple piles under our smelly fingertips. Loot appearing after green hp bars turned red, we didn't want to play hug single with Ef and went north into the lava to cool things down a bit. We ran back, hoping Ef wanted their monk robes back and found our victim. Punishment has been delivered. Gf 50k you mad virgin? Guess begging for warning of Hi being in your world wont save you from being slaughtered, thanks for the action. Hostility Clashes with NME
As we hopped from our engagement vs Ef, we went charging into Vents at a new world only to find a new (or another clan depending on how you want to view it,) green caped/cloaked clan almost universally adorned in adamant armor. At first the intention was to have a fun clash, however we very swiftly realized we were out-opted and well out-armoured, so we made our ways to Death's embrace any way we could. Thanks for the 15 second run in NME Hostility Smashes into IR, XL and A
As we went back along our path of promoting Action for an Activating trip, we came across the two powerhouses of F2p, xL and A,together. This turned into a more interesting game when after pulling north of Gap (xl and A were both around piper/area 51 vents respectively), we got word of IR headed that way. We proceeded to snipe off a couple A and xL kills, and pull north to vents above of gap, where we rested then rushed back south to find IR at gap, and A/xL nowhere to be seen. I suppose that IR's levels made pixellated poopies from the members of xL and A, however the lions of Hostility were excited and so attacked without much prompting from the TS callers.
IR held the entrance to the Gap, which kept them close together and left Hi spread for the majority. However thanks to some good watching/spamming all of IR's robed figures were KO'ed and downed, which allowed easier access for us to pile on their upper levels/ranks. Ir smashed a few of our piles easily with their fierce warriors but our their armored fiends stood no match against our 2012 wizard army. We exchanged quite a few blows and droped eachothers piles quite well, not clamining a win but we had 19 ending before[/color] Zenith wanted to play duck duck goose. Hostility Terminates EF, Smashes into Hazard
After walking around some more planning to hit Activationon their way to multi, as we approached corp we were informed of a collection of red splats occuring at the Chaos Altar. We made our way down, made a world hop, and then ran into CA finding mostly EF, who were chasing off the fleeing Activation members still there, up until we realized thatHazardwas logging in a lil ways outside of the actual altar. A few people logged out by some mis-understandment, but this was not efficient enough for hazard to control the 5v5 mini war we had going on. Most of us quickly logged back in and began to slash Hazard to edgeville with EF. Thanks for the fight Hz, the only clan that fought back. Hostility Moves a battle 200 spaces from its starting point.
After again looting food and potions, then praying at the Chaos Altar, we got word in a roundabout way of a clash vs EF and Hz occurring at Sperm hill on a different world. Although the fight hadn't really been in session for more than a few minutes, at the site of Hostility's lions rushing in, EF and Hz collectively were simply pushed from their sperm hill encounter into a 1v1 session along the single strip East side of the Wilderness until forced to walk down. Still not banked, we went for another pkri. Hostility Suicides into Army of Blue
Quoted by Quode: Our rather fun trip ended on a slightly lower note than the previous couple hours, with our leader 3at leaving us for his mother's curry, and then sending us into a battol vs Zenith, who turned out to be CP and some NX members, which was not quite what we expected when we rushed with every member pretty much on less than 7 food LOL.
After finally finding ourselves in Edgeville for only the 2nd time all trip, and feeling happy to be one of the Last Ones Standing ( ) we decided to call the day to an end for this Saturday. Thanks to all of the clans that battled us, was a good fun trip for us, with lots of laughs on TS and a great number of looted foods.
My favorite pic of the day: