Today Havoc had scheduled a prep against our friends EOP. With some of their ranks blabbering about some **** on Sunday, we went into this ready to show these little critters whats up.
We peaked @ 35 magnificent Havoc stallions ready to silence the large mouthed members of EOP. Unfortunately EOP only had around 20 so sitting was a ***** =[. ~ Rules ~
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Alex Round 1 Havoc Attacks Havoc Starting: 21 EOP Starting: 21 Havoc Ending: 17 EOP Ending: 0 Round 2 EOP Attacks
Got extremely cocky this round, sat all of our good people, and had a shakey start so EOP took the win =P Good job EOP. Havoc Starting: 20 EOP Starting: 20 Havoc Ending: 0 EOP Ending: 8 Round 3 PKRI Havoc Starting: 21 EOP Starting: 21 Havoc Ending: 15 EOP Ending: 0
During second round of the EOP prep, I was looking around for another prep. I stumbled upon another group of little critters that go by the name of Hazard. I figured since we showed EOP what happens when the numbers are close, we might as well show Hazard too =P.
So the prep was accepted, and to our suprise we managed to have more than we did for the EOP prep! However, to our dismay Hazard pulled the same amount as EOP! So we were forced to once again, sit 15 people. We ended up just telling our more experienced members to hit the bench and go play Halo 4 or something, let the little guys handle this one. ~ Rules ~
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Cokes Round 1 Havoc Attacks Havoc Starting: 21 Hazard Starting: 21 Havoc Ending: 13 Hazard Ending: 0 Round 2 Hazard Attacks Havoc Starting: 22 Hazard Starting: 22 Havoc Ending: 12 Hazard Ending: 0 Round 3 PKRI Havoc Starting: 19 Hazard Starting: 19 Havoc Ending: 17 Hazard Ending: 0
Thanks for the preps EOP & Hz! Always a pleasure! Hope you can get the pull problem figured out before this weekend. Looking forward to prepping TLP on Thursday! :D