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Today Havoc headed out with 35 people, looking for the usual free loot from IR and Zenith. As usual, we had pathetic attempts from IR to "gwas us", while we managed to pull off a pretty nice gwas on Fatality.
To start our trip we headed up towards GDZ to hit Zenith. As we were passing through gap we got word that IR was south of us. So we called all our members to spread just east and wait for IR to rush, which they did. They rushed from piper and we ran north of gap and were dominating IR even though they had a ~5-10 man advantage,
As we were dominating IR from the gap, we got word that Fatality was at GDZ and TLP was about to hit IR from the south. So we told our members to dip north west and get to lobby. We then hopped to world 66 and finished off the 5 or so IR members that managed to live. Leaving only one or two members that teled away with their loot.
After dominating IR, we decided we wanted to get some loot from Zenith. We heard Zenith was hopping from world to world around mossies, so we set up at GWAS ledge. When we told our members to log in, we heard that Fatality was at vents just west of corp. We told all our members to dd at the bottom of the stairs. Now, Fatality must not be very good with their multi-lines, because they thought they were gwasing us. But in reality we were in single just barraging their HUGE clumps. Dropping them left and right, even though they had around 20 more than us. This gwasing kept going on until we decided to call a spread into multi, we did so and surprisingly Fatality put up a good fight. Very amazing returning on Fatality's part here, we didn't expect them to have that much back in time, so they managed to defend themselves up until MM crashed the fight.
(17:35:43) <@[DMX]> then lost it cause mm crashed and fi calls a crash 2 late
We heard IR's very idiotic leader Zo set his clan up for a free GWAS to Zenith at the end of both of their trips. Zenith then after decided to go to IR's homeworld (66) flaming them saying "why end early?", as they were saying in CC at the same time "We're ending guys going unofficial". We decided to hop over and bait Zenith out, hoping they would give us free loot. We knew they would call mains, which is why they took forever at edge bridge to set the fight up. They finally ran straight towards Chaos Altar, and we first attempted to bait them out through the gap. The advantages of this gap are very small, so we decided instead to rush right into them, and we did with ease. We got behind them inside the Chaos Altar and completely dominated them, we were now inside the temple and they were attempting to rush inside. This is NOT F2P Zenith, you don't rush in a cluster LOL. As soon as the Serenity mains started coming, I (Loki) called for all Havoc to GRAB ALL LOOT, and telly out. We all did so, and Zenith. Aww poor Zenith, their poor, poor members! They watched as we got away with the loot they were promiesd! They did the only thing they could think of, come to edge and spam us saying we tellied. They also spammed ty 4 loots, but.. We tellied? o_O Make up your minds Zenith did we telly or did we die LOL