Today we had word of some clans going out into the wilderness, we did not pass this up. We pulled and maintained 25 people. This was a really fun trip for us, going undefeated throughout the day. Thanks to everyone who came out today.
Enemy Vs. Hostility
We were sitting on the top of sperm hill expecting xL to rush us. All the sudden from the north Hostility rushed into us. Quickly we established k0 units and started dropping them, leaving heavy spam towers. Thanks for the fight Hostility!
Enemy Vs. Excel
As we were heading into Chaos Altar to recharge our prays from the fight with Hostility. and clear the rest of the Hostility trying to regroup, the glorious xL rushed us. I felt bad because a few of their 50s couldn't hit us. It seems as if they were using their p2p tactics they should have used yesterday, they were spread from inside Chaos Altar to the outer part of the gap. We quickly took control of them and cleared out all of them very fast. Thanks for the fight xL.
Enemy Vs. Enormity
As we were heading out from Chaos Alter to go bank our loots from Hostility and xL, Enormity ran into us. Whoever was leading them ran away from us right away, leaving half their clan to die to us. We chased the ones who ran away and killed them. Thanks for the action Enormity :thumbsup:
Enemy Vs. Alot Of People
We re-banked and headed out and found Zenith and someone fighting at mossies. We cleared that up pretty fast, and got some good practice on timing our binds perfectly. We left that area and ended up hitting some random team of pures at level 10 south of ca. Alot of them started teleing and the rest died. We also ran into xL and Hi inside the bh crater/west bh steps and cleared that up. Thanks for the fights everyone lotslotslotslots of fun and loot. Below for picture dump.
Want to be part of an active, ownage, pure clan? #nme