Today we peaked at 26 core members, headed out to cause some trouble in the pure world, and make a nice amount of loot. We had a run-in with CP, and a few with our mighty God-king Hon0r.
The video is backwards -Andrew
Enemy Vs. Corrupt Pures
Our first event was a run-in with CP. We defended North of gap, having a north-south spread, waiting for their rush from the west. As they rushed in we quickly caught them in quite a few clumps. Dropping loads of them. We had word that Venom was crashing, so we hopped out with our loots. Thanks for the fight CP.
Enemy Vs. Excel
Next up, we had a run-in with xL, to our surprise, we weren't aware they could p2p, we knew this had to be fun. They were defending north of gap, so we rushed in from the south, and captured many, many clumps. Hon0r had upgraded his wheelchair to a new electric one and with this he changed into us through the gap with the rest of his clan. Unfortunately he forgot this wasn't F2P which led to his clan being clumped in the gap. From them on we barraged their clumps with ease
It looked as if i were in the MM tunnels killing dem monkeys. After a few minutes of killing them and getting a few more 1 bangs as they returned through gdz, we had word a BIG clan was coming up through GAP, so we dipped with our juicy loots. Thanks for the fight xL, would love to have more.
Enemy Vs. Excel
After the amount of monk robe's and obsidian capes that they lost, we were sure they weren't going to come back, but they did! Hon0r and his minions were busy picking off a few mains that fell into the death trap that they had :(. Quickly and sneakily we hoped in through corp and rushed into xL. With half of xL on the north-east bh steps, and Hon0rs wheelchair coming down it at incredible speeds, their first experience of an ice barrage hit them. Dropping many of them, they tried to escape south between bh and spider village, but we got them. Thanks again xL for the fights :)
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