This morning was very action packed, and lots of fun, short and sweet this is what went down. Run-ins with XL, PF, CP, and then EOP. With our fast mobility, we managed to pull together a good 15 NME members ready to face whatever we needed to.
Having word on XL being in the wilderness running around aimlessly, we decided to head out and face our fears. This fight went rather quickly, but I myself was nervous, Hon0r swinging his mighty G2H sword on my head, i swore this was the end. Blood, tears, and sweat running down our eyes, what has thought to be almost impossible was accomplished today, the mighty downfall of XL to the little green men.(wait not so little anymore wat) To our surprise and laughter, upon Hon0rs ashes were a pile of coins, we celebrated and bought beer.
After our celebration, the killing of XL wasn't of complete satisfaction, we needed more. Our kind friends at #purefect accepted a wilderness run-in with 15 v 15. Seeing the mighty force defending north of gap, we rushed in with our scimitars and let them have it. A good fight was held, but NME came out on top flicking the leftover coins from Hon0rs 10k cash pile on the ground, hoping they would return. Thank-you for the wilderness mini Purefect, hope to do more soon.
Strolling back from gap, we see a CP cape run at us from corp, we run over and low and behold we meet our good friends CP. Within a few seconds we battled it out and pushed them back into mossies, and cleared them up slowly, but surely. Nothing is better than having the perfect bind ready for the unfortunate CP member that crossed the multi lines. Good fight CP.
Purefect wanted a rematch, this time at Dwarfs. Being told the same opts, we went out to fight them. Upon arriving, we noticed allot more people, and allot more EOP and a couple mains :(. We did what we can but didn't come out on top during that one, thanks for the fight everyone.
The Video will be up soon.
#Nme -