Today we had A fullout against Purefect. We had 45 sign ups as yes, 5 maybes and 7 no's. We ended up peaking at 52 in teamspeak not sure how many in game =]. It was an amazing fight against PureFect, and it was even better because of the amount of respect involved between the two clans.
I would also like to say Rest in Peace to Purefect, you guys were a great clan, and I really appreciate you giving us the honor to give you your last event. Best of luck to the PF leaders who are now taking on new roles in either life or Runescape.
(15:24:01) <[EoP]Allen> (22:22:57) <Ex> [EoP]Allen
(15:24:02) <[EoP]Allen> (22:23:03) <Ex> can u plz hit off there ranks
(15:24:02) <[EoP]Allen> (22:23:06) <Ex> ill give u the ips
(15:24:02) <[EoP]Allen> (22:23:24) <[EoP]Allen> no man
(15:24:02) <[EoP]Allen> (22:23:26) <[EoP]Allen> i want to keep it legit
Thank you Allen, for being nice to ya ***** batman =] Also Ex|Will our friendship/prep are both cancelled.
Round 1 - VICTORY Sovereign Starting/Ending - 47/28 Purefect Starting/Ending - 47/0
Sovereign defending round. We defended in an open area so that we could use our superior stats and drive the opposing clans the direction they rushed from. We called 3 pushes until the fight was completely over, great job both clans this round, especially PF I was kind of nervous because my Java crashed right when the fight started =/ Had to stick it out through the portal.
Round 2 - DEFEAT Sovereign Starting/Ending - 50/0 Purefect Starting/Ending - 49/23
Sovereign Attacking Round. We were pushing up north and then...
Round 3 - VICTORY Sovereign Starting/Ending - 53/45 Purefect Starting/Ending - 47/0 Pk Run in round. The pkri took place at the south west barrier. We pushed right on top of them with scims because we had the number advantage, continuously pushed them south and even more south until they were cleared, we did it for tism.
Shout out to my ***** Bag of Toys/Kevin for getting 99 str today before the fullout!!<3