“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” - Adolf Hitler
Today Resistance massed up and peaked 34 members and maintaining 30+ the entire trip. After a week full of false propaganda and the formation of a new alliance called #LED who's sole purpose was to dismantlement Resistance inside and out. Click here to read more about #led. Resistance vs Unlimited
To start off the trip with a bang, we got word that was Unlimited camped around level 18 single strip - We decided to take advantage of this oppurtunity to make those retards rage by hitting them in single. After a few seconds of letting the fight develop we decided to pull west into multi to see if they would give us the fight that we've been wanting, and they did. The fight started out with unlimited hitting our front line with there glorious mains in mith, nevertheless we threw up melee prayers had bow out focused on the north east side of the hill and started to break them down, we notied they stated to pull away so we decided to call 1 final push to end it, this resulted in the fight ultimately ending at sperm hill and Resistance coming out on top with the W as usual. Thanks for the fight Unlimishit _______________________________________________ Resistance VS CLUSTER
Shortly after we got word that there was a cluster in w29 I believe, we quickly hopped without banking our hard earned lootations and got to the action. The fight had been in full affect for around 5 minutes around vents, we rushed in bows out overheads and on and quickly had all clans running in a hurry, we focused on xL for the free loot. We pushed them all the way to mossies where we got a fallin and got ready for the re-rushWe rushed in there easily clearing UL stragglers and the majority of LT, unknowinngly PF rushed us from the north as we pushing south, after a few seconds we realized our numbers had dropped exponentially from the previous fights and we needed a regroup. We'll give PF the win on that one >.< _______________________________________________ Resistance VS CLUSTER
After waiting to hit unlimited again but seeing as they were in lobby for nearly 10 minutes we decided to find something else to do. We got word from the neighborhood spiderman that there was a cluster at ca. We decided after the cluster that we had just finished clearing we would beable to prevail again and we did so. The fight started with an Initial 1v1 rush in Between UL & PF I believe if not someone correct me. But anyway as that fight progressed more and more clans and (mains on UL's side)started to get involved. We started out with fight PF At the entrance of ca, seconds later UL rushed in from the north and we dropped down to the lava with bows out sniping at the entranceand even a few more seconds later LT did aswell and we called a push ontop of them with scims out eliminating the majority of them. Flash3:Bang bang!