This Sunday we had very high hopes after great pulls all week and some great preps we where determined to make today's trip very memorable and that we did. We got around and massed for 40 minutes and peaked at 55 Zenith members for today's amazing P2P trip where we racked up just about 300 kills and ended NME in the process. To start of our Trip we found that Nme was staying in single for a while we wanted a hit on them badly so we waited eventually after chasing them to lvl 30 single or to ruins we finally got a hit on them up at GDZ.
we began fighting in the Gap/GDZ area where we eventually racked up a good 40 kills and pushed NME east of GDZ right before Foe crashed. After a quick bank we where ready to get out in the wild and find NME again we got word they where around Piper we quickly hopped over and ran from mossies to the Piper where we found NME. they quickly moved north of the gap but we had numbers on them we sat back and killed people on our side then when we had a good 2x there opts we pushed through clearing most of the other NME members. we then dipped out as FOE was rushing through the gap to kill us. Zenith vs POP We got a regroup after hearing NME/EOP where not in the wild yet but in the middle of the regroup we found out that POP was around GDZ/Red Dragon Gate area. We all got 90 tele and quickly tele'd up and rushed west, We found POP right at the Gate we got north outside of it and barraged any POP coming through the entrance. We finally had a bit more then them and we pushed through the Dragon gate and finished the remaining POP members inside. After hearing the NME dismissed we where now turning our focus to EOP we knew they had been following us around and trying to hit some of the same clans as us but we quickly realized they where hopping to our world inside GDZ hut. We quickly 90 tele'd up and prepared for the Mage Xp, EOp logged in and we started to barrage the massive clumps, In the middle of this fight A few small main teams rushed in and later on FOE rushed from the south but we ended up killing majority of the EOP members we then moved north of the hut and ran east to single before FOE could come and ruin our fun. We then got word that POP was still out we quickly tele'd back to 90 tele and rushed East to the Maze ready to hop inside to gwas POP. Before we hopped a clan was to the west of us outside the Maze we realize it was EOp and waited for them to come inside. as we waited MM began to login on TOP of us inside the Maze but only a good 10 people did before they realized we where beside them they stayed in lobby. a minute later EOP rushed In we began barrage the entrance and clearing them out inside this fight lasted a good 5 minutes before FOE came in we then moved to the back of maze and went to lobby.