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Everything posted by blue

  1. Bull **** topic after CD vs Foe went on at ca for like 3 minutes we finished pushing them out and then you rushed in and killed like 5 of them and then came after us and we cleared you this vid says it all
  2. 1 of our scout's said the about 20 Foe ran twords the ghostly hut We heared that ex was over there and also Walli says he told Foe to get out Because MM was comeing to crash.
  3. Goodjob everyone today was an amzing trip
  4. Why would MM crash it im sure its funnyer if they watch Foe get cleared by a 4 month old clan =\
  5. 1)MM 2)foe 3)DP 4)FI 5)CD 6)CP 7)EOP 8)TLP 9)EX 10)CH + DF - U did nothing but try to crahs us all day and u still got cleared 2 times and u teamed with df
  6. Gf was the First Offical p2p Event For us and CR We had Dun good to see your p2p Skills have improved
  7. Im hungry OT: GJ MM amazing pull for you guys the whole p2p thing something is wrong i think its almost summer and clans are crashing clans in general i like to call this the "Epidemic Season"
  8. My Guess F2p 5/15/2010 1)MM - Mahatama came back so yea 2)FI 3)FOE 4)DP 5)CP 6)CD 7)EOP 8)EX
  9. u accepted but i was there and all ur memebr's did during the war was say that cd is a joke and that where **** and as for a blast beating us in pvp its dum because it wasent a fair fight for any1 because of eop crashing
  10. 1 time i saw a Cp team up with EOp just to kill a 5 month old clan called CD and i was like LAWLS Pathetic
  11. First round i was gona null until u decided to take 5 mins in 1v1 u asked for a full out and u got 1 we have had great actvity lately pulling 30+ daily now 1v1 wars are nive every now and agin tho <3
  12. <3 still love to see you around jay
  13. when u asked us we had like 27 people and we saw u had like 15 max we just didnt want to sit our memebrs maybe next time inu
  14. Site | #CD Today we where happy with the recruitting and work we put into this week we went to PCL and had alot of fun fights. Not saying we did amazing or anything this is just the 4 gihts we won we lost to POT and TLP and Eop at PCL so dont think it was easy. CD vs CH- Once agin fighting Chaotic our old friends sad war we didnt get to see our buddy louzy and duval ='[ Complete Domination - 26/24 Chaotic - 18/0 CD vs EX - We then challanged Exclusive 2 times great friends and allys of cd EX helped us get through this past month and i cant thank them enough but plz watch for us now. Complete Domination - 20/18 Exclusive - 15/0 Round 2 vs Exclusive - We quickly banked and got back we decided to giht exclusive agin sense other clans where busy. it was a matched opts fight but 1 of our members lagged out right as the portol dropped so ex had a +1 man advantage. Complete Domination - 13/6 Exclusive - 13/0 CD vs EOP - We had 2 fights agenst EOP before this both lsot 3rd round we did matched opts and they where all in 1 def gear mostly and thats probly why we won honestly. But thank you eop for the fight much respect. Complete Domination - 16/6 EOP - 17/0 Basically that's it, these are the pictures:
  15. #CD CD PRIDE :D Gj pride
  16. You where up by only 7 and still won thats good there nice job Tlp
  17. Well some of you know this and some not our site and Ml Where hacked by CH Leader Duval and our ex-co leader Louzy as low as i think this seems i dont care anymore IF CH thinks that hacking are site/ML will close us there wrong i worked with Alex are High Council and Drunk " Cp Leader " last Night on our New Memberlist and Site we are still trying to make topics for our fourms and Add everyone to the Memberlist im not makeing this topic for any1 to feal sorry for us i just wanted to clear things up on what happened and tell you the CD site is back up Thank You CD Fourms - http://cdclan.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx CD Memberlsit - Do !Ml Complete Dom <--- it will come up CD IRC - #CD Also i Took the #Snipe Ml from them and kbed most there ops yesturday 1 of there "Memebers" was helping CH do this so if any1 Needs help owning them or info about them u can come #cd and ask me CD OLD SITE - http://www.cdrs.ipbfree.com/
  18. ^ plz click the X if ur gona post something stupid
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