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Everything posted by blue

  1. Well i was tired of the mains crashing some of the pvp/bh mini wars ive gone to like dwarfs and maze are popular spots to mini at. Well dwarfs is like in the center of the wild and mains walk from gdz to BH all the time and sometimes attack to be ****. and huge clan chats of 120's sometimes check maze For randomers be4 they war and find a mini war of pures and just clear it. This spot i found can be found here its all multi can turn to 1v1 if u drag far enough tho but if u stay in center that wont be a problem theres buildings to defend with and walls to hug on. its the ruins part beside the bandit camp and castle heres a map to it. I used it for a Prep vs lt worked good for me besides the 2 lt that ran to 1v1 Just made this topic Because i thoguht it could help ppl plan Pvp wars without getting crashed. " ALL CREDIT GOES TO NICK|MG_F_T_W "
  2. ^ Stop rushing us in Bh then ? Teach me to be cool like you
  3. We wanted some practice for our war this weekend vs IP so we decided to look for a prep being declined by Vd,EOD, and some other clans we heared AAO just re-opened agin. we asked them if they would like to team with vigilance and prep us. they accepted and we got ready. VS Round 1 CD starting - 23 AAO + V - 17 CD ending - 16 AAO + V - 0 Round 2 CD Starting - 23 AAO + V - 21 CD ending - 16 AAO + V Ending - 0 There was no 3rd round they dismissed Good fight AAO + V thank you for the fight
  4. umm clan of 10-30 memebrs try complete domination #CD we are re-opened 3 weeks old we pull around 25 right now
  5. CD Site? | #CD This clan was made form about 10 friends it was made Shortly after the wilderness died made from to mini clans that just mini warred all the time and nothing else one named TMP the other PM. The leaders decided to merge and work together and try are best competeing in the PCl Which back then was the only thing pure clans could do on weekends. We had rivals from clans like CY and TP and we had preps agenst amazing respectable clans like Epidemic. CD later Closed and the friendship between all those people where never the same. Now 2 years later 3/4 of the old ranks of CD have came back and this time we are going to give it 1 more shot and see what happens. We knew that it Would take hard work and dedicated people there where alot of oldschool MG members includeing there leader searching for a home and they found one with the Complete Domination faimly. We offer a great community and memories that will last a life time. We do alot of events daily such as mini wars and preps. we do about 80% F2p Events 20% p2p. We have weekly BH/Pvp Pk trips in F2p we fight all different types of clans. 40+ Attack 70+ Strength 70+ hitpoints Range Req 70+ Range 70+ hitpoints Mage Req 82+ Magic 70+ hitpoints 1-25 Defence For all options[/size][/color]
  6. flame is all most of you can do
  7. Date - This Saturday at 3Pm Eastern 7PM GMT World 20 Clan wars .:RULES:. no 1v1 no overs 20 - def cap corrupt off 3 rounds all pkri on classic arena ml closes day of the war CD ML - http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=ub_clan IP ML - http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=ipclan CD iRC - #CD ip IRC - #Clan-ip I personaly wish ip the best of luck and hope for a good clean war and may the better clan win.
  8. HI never said we where and ty for the 2 apps today BYE!!
  9. well actualy 15/43 of are memebrs are 20 def opps im sorr 15/45 2 ravage members just joined us today. =\
  10. YES THANK YOU i loved pc when FI wa slike #1 then alot of idiots crash and pc turned shity i srsly think this is good with all these clans that worked so hard have great trips tbh keep it up im cp but i have always admired fatality - Blue stanger
  11. we have like 15/40 ppl with 20 def get over it we arnt a low lvl clan where more mid
  12. We had a long week preparing for this Trip clans talking **** saying we where going to die fast " clans such as Ravage and Conspiracy" so today we where sure we would pull decent and go after any clan we found and we did that by clearing all the low level clans and lower mid clans "besides VD and V" We didnt see them today. We pulled 25 people Vs We started the trip off slow killing randoms in full rune then we heared Ravage was at clan wars in our world we knew they wernt going to step out so we went to say Hi while we did that. PFH logged in clan wars during that time so we went North. We waited north of clan wars for PFH to step out and they did just that. CD Starting - 25 PFH - 27 CD ending - 23 PFH ending - 6 inside clan wars Vs After banking we heared EOD was at world 17 we quickly hopped to try to find them by time we got there they where gone and we ended up killing 4 lvl 60s after that i got a fall in and we where heading to bh bank but then Ravage Rushed us. CD starting - 24 R starting - 17 CD ending - 23 R ending - 0 Vs After clearing R mains where comeing so we hopped back to world 20 to regroup we heared that the I + cs ally broke up and the 8 cs left where just avoiding all clans and went fally pking we wanted to put these kids in there place so we hopped to w21 and went to fally to kill 8 CS members CD Starting - 20 CS starting - 8 CS ending - 0 CD ending - 20 Complete Domination Vs Eve Of Destruction Well we had a good trip going so far but we still wanted to get VD or EOD Sense they always put up a good fight we found EOD in World 136 " UR CLAN CHAT WAS LEFT OPEN NOT SMART ? " so we hopped in SC and rushed EOD as they went from CA to fog. CD starting - 20 EOD starting - 12 CD Ending - 18 EOD ending - 2 in BH After pushing Eod in bh we got a fall in and where rushed by Some clan nammed TS not sure who they are but we ended up haveing a tough fight with them at bh steps. CD starting - 18 TS starting - 15 ? CD ending - 15 TS ending - 6 in bh After Clearing Ts we waited outside of bh and where gona go to CA to pray we had like 15 People left when Calamity rushed us with Like 30+ memebrs and thats how are trip ended. .:Picutres:.
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